Affirmations are a way to declare to the Universe what you want your life to look like.  You can find positive affirmations everywhere, and I will provide 15 of my own, but unless your affirmations deal with the specifics of your life and give you positive emotions, they will not work.  So, why not create your own affirmations?

An affirmation is anything you say or think.  You need to consciously choose your words that will help you to either eliminate something from your life or help create something new.

You are always using affirmations whether you know it or not.  Every word you speak or think is expressed as an affirmation.  The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmation will work.

The best times to recite your affirmations are just before falling asleep or right when you wake up.  Your mind is open and ready to absorb the feelings during those times.

A few tips for creating your own affirmations:

  • You need to feel the vibration of what you are seeking.
  • Use the words that accurately portray exactly the results you want to achieve.
  • Use powerful words that make you feel good and produce that positive vibration within you.
  • Beware of your limiting beliefs.  If your affirmations don’t align with your beliefs, they will not work.
  • Focus on the subject you wish to attain, then affirm the positive.
  • Read or write them daily. But only do it once a day. Trust the process.
  • Make them a habit.  Maybe you recite them while you are driving to work, doing the dishes, or brushing your teeth.
  • Keep them in the present tense.
  • As I wrote in my post 17 Affirmations, I find many of my affirmations by just reading and writing them down in my daily journal.  Something will pop out and get my attention.  Sometimes I change them up a little bit to have a little more meaning for me.  I believe that our thoughts become our reality, so repeating positive affirmations can definitely steer you in a more positive direction. And why I learned how to make my own affirmations.

Sign up for Living Marvelously Resources to find a PDF with more tools you can use to start making your own affirmations!  Don’t just read it; take action! You will find it under Manifesting.

create your own affirmations

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Here are 15 positive affirmations to start with. See how you can tweak them to be more personal and relate to your own dreams and desires.

15 Positive Affirmations

I am finding my own happiness.  I will not worry about things I can’t control.

My life is mine to create.  I will make it beautiful.

I am ready for an extraordinary day. Universe, how can I help you?

Related Post: Morning Affirmations

I am living marvelously.  I do not take anything for granted.

I have a unique, beautiful soul.

My life is ridiculously wonderful.

I lovingly accept myself just the way I am.

Positive Affirmation

I am always moving in the general direction of my dreams.  Keeping my eyes on my priorities.

Related Post: Bedtime Affirmations for Peace and Relaxation

I intentionally surround myself with beautiful things and people.

I accept myself and all of my amazing imperfections.  I am worthy of love.

I am blessed with a life of infinite possibilities.

I trust that I am exactly where I need to be, and I will have faith that my persistence is working.

I am grateful for another day to make a difference.

I have access to everything I need to succeed.

I am worthy of all of the happiness I desire.


What affirmations do you use?  Do you want to create more?

Don’t forget your Affirmation Cheat Sheet on my Resources page!  Sign up for the password.