My husband and I are celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary this month. That is a lot of years. During those years, raising three children, moving four times, losing loved ones, changing jobs, and much more have caused many moments of blame, anger, and frustration. But now is the perfect time to refocus on our relationship; the key is self-love in midlife.

We should all know by now that we can’t change anyone but ourselves. And that’s OK because if you can learn to love yourself, that will naturally shift the dynamic in your relationship. When you love yourself, you become more patient, understanding, and compassionate—not only with your partner but with yourself too. Self-love in midlife allows you to release expectations, let go of past frustrations, and focus on the present. It helps you communicate more openly and appreciate the small moments together, strengthening your bond as you enter this new phase of life.

Let’s break it down.

Why the Relationship with Yourself Matters

1. When you have a strong, loving relationship with yourself, everything changes. You approach your romantic relationships with more patience and understanding; your friendships become more fulfilling, and professional relationships benefit from your confidence and clarity. Midlife is the perfect time to rebuild this relationship and ensure you come from a place of emotional strength and self-awareness.

2. As children leave the nest or careers stabilize, many midlife women experience a shift in their responsibilities. Suddenly, there is more space to focus on yourself. What once seemed like a luxury—self-care, self-reflection, and personal growth—becomes a necessity for well-being. The challenge is learning to prioritize yourself without guilt. Recognize that giving yourself time allows others to do the same, and everyone is happier.

The Consequences of Neglecting Self-Relationship

1. Years of self-neglect often lead to burnout. The constant prioritization of others over yourself can make you feel drained, leaving you with little energy to nurture meaningful connections. Over time, this depletion can foster resentment—toward your loved ones and even yourself—for not taking the time to recharge. This is what creates those difficult moments in your marriage.

2. As we move through different life stages, many women feel they’ve lost touch with who they are outside their roles as mothers, partners, or professionals. When the demands of life lessen, this sense of identity loss can be overwhelming. Rekindling the relationship with yourself is key to rediscovering your passions and purpose. A new sense of joy in life can translate into joy in all areas.

self love quote

How to Strengthen Your Self-Love in Midlife

1. The fear of being alone can sometimes hold people back from deepening their relationship with themselves. But solitude is where the magic happens. Use this time to reconnect with your inner thoughts and desires. Whether through journaling, meditation, or simply taking long walks, embracing solitude allows you to hear your own voice again and realign with your true self.

Click here to check out my Living Marvelously Journal, which has many prompts to start your self-discovery process.

2. Too often, we are our own worst critics. In midlife, it’s essential to replace that self-criticism with self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and grace that you offer others. Learning to forgive your past mistakes and celebrate your present self will lay the groundwork for a much deeper relationship with yourself.

3. What activities light you up inside? In midlife, it’s easy to feel that your time for exploring new hobbies or passions has passed. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Make time to rediscover what brings you joy. Whether it’s art, music, gardening, or traveling, reigniting your passions will make you feel more connected to who you are at your core.

4. We often hear about self-care, but in midlife, it takes on a whole new meaning. Self-care is not just about pampering yourself, but about creating consistent routines that prioritize your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Whether it’s starting a yoga practice, taking time to read for pleasure, or enjoying a warm bath, regular self-care rituals help strengthen your relationship with yourself.

Setting Boundaries as an Act of Self-Love

1. One of the most empowering things you can do in midlife is learn how to say no—without guilt. Boundaries are an essential part of maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. By protecting your time and energy, you give yourself the space you need to thrive and focus on your own well-being.

2. As you deepen your self-love, you may become more aware of the relationships in your life that no longer serve you. Whether it’s a toxic friendship or a draining family dynamic, recognizing the need for distance in certain relationships is a key aspect of self-love in midlife. It’s okay to let go of what no longer aligns with who you are becoming.

3. At this stage of life, it’s important to surround yourself with people who lift you up, not weigh you down. Midlife is a time for reflection, and part of that process may include reevaluating the people you spend your time with. Prioritize relationships that support your personal growth and bring you joy.

The Ripple Effect on Other Relationships

1. When you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you bring your best self into your romantic relationship. Self-love helps you communicate more clearly, set healthier expectations, and approach challenges with patience and understanding. This deepens the connection between you and your partner, allowing your relationship to flourish.

2. When you practice self-love, you become a role model for those around you—especially for your children, friends, and even your partner. By showing others that you value and care for yourself, you inspire them to do the same in their own lives. This is my favorite reason to discover more self-love in midlife.

3. As you grow more comfortable with who you are, your friendships will naturally reflect that authenticity. You’ll attract people who appreciate and respect the real you, resulting in deeper, more meaningful friendships. Self-love acts as a magnet, drawing in the kind of connections that truly nurture your soul.

Midlife is the perfect time to shift the focus inward and strengthen the relationship with yourself. When you prioritize self-love, it not only transforms your inner world, but also has a profound impact on your external relationships. By nurturing the most important relationship in your life—the one with yourself—you create a foundation for joy, peace, and authentic connection that will carry you through the years to come.

Learning self-love in midlife is a continuous journey but one that I have been enjoying. I love to watch how it affects my marriage and makes me feel better, too. If you have a daughter, be sure to share this with her. Women shouldn’t have to wait until midlife to know the beautiful effects of self-love.