I woke up today excited to dive into my work. There are so many great things happening right now, and I’m having a lot of fun. But when I sat down to do the work, I froze. There were so many things to work on that I didn’t feel like doing any of them....
One of the great traditions in Hawaii that support a feeling of peace is the Ho’oponopono prayer. I’ve been to Hawaii about 7 times. Hawaii is my all-time favorite place to take a vacation. I love the way I feel when I am there. Everything is a little more...
I found 7 inspirational poems about life that might help you find a new perspective about how to move forward during hard times because let’s face it – Life can be hard, and it can throw us curve balls that question how to move forward. Sometimes the only...
A friend of mine introduced me to the Desiderata poem. She told me that when she was growing up, she moved a lot. But no matter where she made her home, her mom always hung this poem on a wall. Her mom passed away 30 years ago. The Desiderata by Max Ehrmann will...
Christmas can bring up different feelings and beliefs for everyone. Some good, cheerful, and joyful. Some are sad, lonely, and stressed. Sometimes the true meaning of Christmas gets forgotten. The birth of Jesus becomes less important while we run around trying to do...
I loved Thanksgiving Day when my mom, Marvel, was alive. It was always all about family. She would make the usual comfort foods; turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, scalloped corn (which we still make today every Thanksgiving), cranberries out of the...