The Marvelous Resource Library
Too many of us read great material and then forget about it a day later. It takes repetition to make ideas and thoughts stick.
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that lead to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Muhammad Ali
Sign up for the password to my Living Marvelously Resource Library for resources that will help you make the information in the blog posts stick. (If you have already signed up, check for an email from or my latest Thursday’s Thoughts newsletter for the password.)
On my Resources page, you can find over 50 worksheets and cheat sheets to journal about and dig deeper into the posts or have a handout for future reference.
For example:
- Quotes and Affirmations you can print out and use in your journal, vision boards, or hang on your mirror.
- Non-Negotiable lists for your daily planner.
- Recipes from Barbie G (my fabulous sister)
- Road Trip Tips
- Know Your Purpose and How to Stop Judging Others worksheets
- Journal Prompts
- Book Lists
- Goal Setting Worksheets
- Lists you can print out to use as a resource.
- Plus much more!
Take actionable steps to create a marvelous life that is enjoyable and intentional!
You will also be signing up for my Thursday’s Thoughts e-mail.
I share things I love, my latest blog posts, journal prompts, affirmations and quotes each week.
If it’s not something you love, feel free to get your freebie and then unsubscribe. But I’d love to get to know you!
Here’s to living marvelously and making the most of this life!
Get started today!
“Be a lifelong student! The more you learn, the more you earn and more self-confidence you will have.” Brian Tracy