No matter what is happening in the world, you can still make Thanksgiving special!

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is getting together with family that I don’t see very often. Parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, and grandnieces and nephews. It’s fun to catch up and discover all that has happened in their lives. And to see them and enjoy their personalities.

Social media can give you the highlights for those on there, but face-to-face interaction is the best for me.

There is a chance that you may enjoy social distancing, and in these past few years, you have found new ways to celebrate.

There are still ways to make the holiday memorable if you don’t have the usual big family gatherings or family members traveling from afar.

Besides, it never hurts to mix things up a little bit.

A typical Thanksgiving consists of cooking, mingling, eating, football and napping.

This year you can do things differently. Maybe you will start a couple of new traditions.

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How to make Thanksgiving memorable this year!

Whatever the weather is, get outside!

We try to do a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving most years? Plan out a time and path and get some exercise before indulging in the big meal. Consider donating to the charity that runs your local Turkey Trot.

If snow is in the forecast, build a snowman!

Play your own game of catch with the football. Depending on how many are in your immediate family, you could put together a game. Touch football, of course; you don’t want a hospital visit.

Take a short hike after you eat. Wear off some of those calories!

Plan a Zoom Call

This year, my dad is in the nursing home, and he won’t be able to leave. My siblings are spread out a bit, so we will have a Zoom call to include everyone who wants to join.

You could play a game on the Zoom call or whatever platform you choose.

Go around and say something that makes you grateful.

Tell jokes.

Have a talent show or play show and tell.

Recall favorite Thanksgiving memories.

Check out this list of 12 Super Easy and Fun Zoom Games.

make Thanksgiving special

Do a Craft

Put together a Thanksgiving puzzle. Check out this Bountiful Meadows Farm puzzle on Amazon!

Write out your Christmas lists.

Create an Advent calendar. There are some great ideas in this article from Country Living. I want to try the small box one.

Have you heard of Turkey on the Table? Turkey on the Table® is a book & activity that encourages the whole family to express and display their gratitude. Also, ten meals are delivered through Feeding America with every kit sold.

Create a holiday planter. Go outside and collect items from nature to put in your planter. I wrote this post last year that will give you more ideas. How to Have a Holiday Planter Party

I did not forget about the food!

If you don’t want to make an entire turkey, this article has 17 Ways to Make Thanksgiving Dinner without Roasting a Whole Turkey. However, leftovers can be fun too.

Have the whole family chip in and make the meal together. This would be a good time to pass down a few of your cooking secrets to your kids or grandkids.

Deliver a piece of pie to your loved one in the nursing home or a neighbor who is alone.

We usually go to my sister’s house. She is an excellent cook and caterer. This year, my kids asked me to get a few of her recipes to replicate at home. What recipes can you collect from the usual host?

One of our favorite things to do is to enjoy a few cocktails after the Turkey Trot at our local Elks Club. You can also experiment with making fall cocktails at home. There are some amazing ones in this article! Fall Cocktails for Thanksgiving Day

Here are a few more ideas to make Thanksgiving special!

Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.

Volunteer or donate to your local food shelf.

Watch a Thanksgiving movie. Here are a few with a Thanksgiving or Fall theme.

  • Julie and Julia
  • Krisha
  • Undefeated
  • Greater
  • The Oath
  • Free Birds
  • Tower Heist
  • Or, of course, there are always Hallmark Christmas Movies!

Start your Christmas cookie baking.

I hope you were able to find a few tips on how to make Thanksgiving special this year. But however you spend it, remember to give thanks.


thanksgiving prayer