A Really Bad Day

Earlier this month, I had a really bad day!  I had been sick all weekend, and as I was lying around, I decided to apply for some online work.  The following day I received a response from one of the jobs I applied for, and before I knew it, I was hired and ready to go to work the next day.  This all happened on-line, and I was pretty excited.

I showed my husband before I signed on, and as far as he could tell, it looked legitimate.  Later, I called my daughter and told her about it, still feeling pretty good about myself.  Right away, her millennial antenna went up, and she questioned everything.  This got me a little scared, so I told her to investigate.

Long story short, I got scammed.  Luckily, I did not give out my social security number or any bank information, but they had my address and signature.  I notified everyone involved and purchased identity theft protection.

As of today, they didn’t get anything from me except my pride.  This shook me up pretty bad, though, and left me reeling for a few days.  I started questioning everything.  How did I not see all of the red flags?   How did I get to a place where I would allow that to happen to me?  Is my self-worth that low?  What am I really looking for?



How To Raise Your Vibration

To get out of my funk, I need to raise my vibration.  I have to stop feeling sorry for myself and be grateful for my awesome life.  The negative energy of those scamming idiot criminals cannot waste another day of my life.

I remembered my sister Deb’s post on her website, Amazing Journey Coaching, a few years ago.  It is titled “25 ways to raise your vibration”, and I asked her if I could use some of her info to write this post, “How to Raise Your Vibration After a Really Bad Day!”.

(Check out her book, Your Most Amazing Journey, on Amazon.)

In her post, she says, “Everything is energy, including your thoughts, emotions, words, and behaviors.  The higher their vibration, the better you feel and the more attractive you are to good things, people and experiences!”.

Related Post: How to Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to Attract More of What You Want 

I know I need this right now, so that usually means someone else does too.  I realize a bad day for you will look a lot different from this bad day for me, but whatever we deal with, let’s rid ourselves of that negative energy.  Let’s raise our vibration and do our best to attract more good, positive things to our marvelous lives!


Just randomly throughout the day, smile!  It’s amazing how quickly this shifts your vibration to a happier place!

Get Outside

If you spend a lot of time indoors, this could be a drain on your energy.  No matter where you are or the weather, step outside for just a few minutes or longer and take a few deep belly breaths!  Soak in the fresh air and be grateful for the sky, the grass, the trees, and the air you breathe!

Get creative

Find a creative outlet for any negative energy you are experiencing.  Get out your paints, dance like no one is watching, write in your journal, and sing in the shower!

Take a LOVE break

Take a 5-10 minute break and call someone you love.  No, don’t text them; it’s not the same.  Either talk to them or leave them a message and say you were thinking of them and wanted them to know you love them.

Be here NOW

This is one of the easiest things you can do to raise your vibration.  Just be here NOW.  Now is all you really have.  Take control of your life and how you respond to your life circumstances.  This can only happen if you are not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Be grateful

Name 10 things you are grateful for right now, and your mood will change instantly.  We tend to forget all of the wonderful things we have in our life when we start focusing on the things we don’t. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations we can feel.

Declutter a space in your home

Clear out space in your home and make it fresh.  Add some flowers.  Spend some time in this newfound space and breathe!

wildflower vibration


There is a Law of Reciprocity that says whatever you give, you receive, and usually more than what you gave.  The key is to give from your heart. It can be to someone or something that inspires you or has improved your life somehow. If you can’t give money, give some clothes to Goodwill or a Woman’s Shelter, or give your time as a volunteer at a homeless shelter.  It’s all the same.  If you feel inspired by doing it-then, you can expect to feel more inspired in your life!


There are many ways and reasons to pray.  My favorite is an affirmative prayer, which is similar to being grateful. Only it is taking your gratitude into the future.  It starts with “I am so happy and grateful now that I….”.  Affirmative prayer is a fun way to pray for something you want in an expectant, knowing vibration of already receiving it!


Through silence and meditation, you connect with your Source, God, your Higher Self, or whatever you call the power within and around you.  Through this silence, you can hear the answers to your prayers.  It is through this silence that you can truly feel at peace.  Even if you meditate for just 15 minutes a day, you will effectively raise your vibration. So, take time to go within and be…  Check out Give Meditation a Try.


This one is a good one for me. I need to forgive my perpetrators and forgive myself for falling prey.  “Forgiveness unlocks the chains that squeeze your heart—it gives you peace and serenity” ~Michelle DeVille  Learn more about the power of forgiveness.

raise vibration


Laughter is very powerful in raising your vibration.  It is great medicine and can erase any negativity you have lingering around you. Watch a comedy, listen to a funny podcast, or read Marvelisms.

Use words that empower and heal

How you talk, and your words can greatly impact the vibration level of yourself and those around you.  Be conscious of what you are saying and try to be positive, not negative.  Decide right now never to gossip or judge others in conversation. If you need to talk about your own fears or failures, only do so with love for yourself and include at least one action step for getting past them.  Mostly, speak of what is good in your life.

Give someone a compliment

Most people are compliment deprived.  We do not hear enough appreciation or sincere praise from others, especially those closest to us.  Think for a minute how good you feel when someone compliments you or appreciates something you did for them.  Don’t you want others to feel that way too?  There is a bonus to this one called the Law of Cause and Effect, which says, “Any action produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act or the cause which initiated it.”  So, if your intentions are pure and sincere, you can expect to hear more sincere compliments and praise back in at least equal proportion to the ones you’ve given!


Visualize what you want your life to look like. You can do this through meditation, cutting out pictures from magazines, and creating a vision board.  Imagine the wonderful life you want to live.


Read a good fiction book that takes you to a different world.  Find quotes that either inspire you or make you laugh.  You can also read a personal development book that can transform your life.

Set an Intention

The intention is a powerful life force!  Make it a daily practice, either in the morning or right before you go to sleep, to set an intention for the day.  For example, “I intend to appreciate everyone who crosses my path today.”  Or, “Tomorrow is going to be a great day!”

Pamper yourself

Practice self-care.  Eat good food, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and do something extra nice for yourself.  Get a manicure or pedicure, go shopping, get a massage, anything that makes you feel good.

Let it go

Do not walk around with a victim-like mentality. I needed to let this experience go and take what I can learn from it.  If I think I am a victim, I will attract more things that make me a victim.

Loved Ones

Spend time with people you love.  Go to lunch with a good friend, have your children over for supper, take your parent out to breakfast, take your dog for an extra-long walk, or snuggle with your spouse.  Feel the love that surrounds you!

Just writing this list is already making me feel much better!  I feel my vibration rising!

How about you, can you feel it?

“Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy; this is physics”- Albert Einstein



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