Unlock the Hidden Potential in Your Life with a Human Design Reading

living marvelously

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You’re already living a good life—one that feels balanced and satisfying. But deep down, you sense that there’s more waiting for you. What if you could tap into an even deeper level of alignment and purpose?

Human Design is a unique system that blends ancient wisdom and modern science to create a blueprint of who you truly are. By understanding your design, you can uncover subtle patterns that influence your decisions, relationships, and energy. The reading isn’t about changing who you are—it’s about empowering you to live more authentically, with more ease and flow.


🪄 Knowing exactly how to make decisions that align with your true self.

💗 Discovering hidden strengths you haven’t fully tapped into.

💫 Understanding why certain relationships or situations leave you drained and how to shift that dynamic.

🤩 Unlocking a sense of purpose and direction, even when life already feels ‘good.’

Human Design is about fine-tuning the already good into something extraordinary—bringing more fulfillment, more synchronicity, and a deeper connection to your path.

If you’re curious about what more life has to offer, a Human Design reading could be the key to unlocking that next level.

 Let me share some of the things I have learned from my Human Design Chart.

As a 1/3 Sacral Generator, I have a lot of energy that needs to be used up every day.

When making decisions, my gut is my compass. When something is a “hell yes,” I should go for it, but it’s not the right time if something is a maybe or no.

My tendency is to dive deep into topics I’m curious about and then share what I have learned. I’m also meant to try a lot of things and learn from my failures along the way.

When I am frustrated, I am going on a path that is out of alignment.

I am designed to be a natural doer and creative force.

With an open identity, I am best suited to guide others to find their purpose. 

And that is just the tip of the iceberg!


Are you curious about what your Human Design chart says about you? Schedule your session today and find out!


Coaching Packages

90-Minute Session on Your Human Design


The Human Design Chart will help you see your life in a different way and help you get on the path to your most fulfilling life.

Schedule Now!

Session includes a free personalized Human Design ebook!

Once you know your Human Design, you may want to dig deeper into how to create a life that feels fulfilling and fun. Here are a couple of ways I can help.

1:1 Discover Your Dream Life

A 4-week program to help you see your magnificance and the power you have in creating a life that feels good and loving to you. Includes a Human Design or Dharma Blueprint session.


The 6 Ls of Living Marvelously Coaching Packages

$1,200 – $2,500

A 3 or 6-month coaching package paid monthly.

We will work together to find your happiness and purpose in the life you want to live:

1. Launch – What does happiness & fulfillment mean to you?

2. Let Go – What is holding you back?

3. Love – Make yourself a priority so you can love yourself and others.

4. Live – Pay attention to the things that bring you the most joy.

5. Learn  – Use tools to help you discover your authentic skills and abilities.

6. Leap – How will you live differently now?


Let’s Do This!

Why else should you know your Human Design?

Often, we spend our lives trying to fit into roles or expectations that don’t suit us. Human Design shows you who you are at your core, stripping away societal conditioning and revealing your authentic self. When you live in alignment with your design, you experience more flow, less resistance, and a deeper sense of purpose.

Each Human Design type has a unique way of interacting with the world and managing energy. When you know your type—like Generator, Projector, or Manifestor—you can work with your natural energy flow. This means using your energy in a sustainable way, avoiding burnout, and focusing on activities that truly light you up.

When you understand your design, you’re more likely to accept yourself—flaws, quirks, and all. You see that there’s no “one right way” to live; there’s only your way. This self-acceptance breeds confidence and helps you release limiting beliefs that have held you back.

Human Design provides a map for your life’s purpose. It reveals your natural talents, what you’re here to contribute, and the experiences that are aligned with your growth. Rather than chasing external goals, you start living a life that feels purposeful from within.