Have you heard of Human Design? Are you curious about what yours is? Your Human Design, known as a body graph, is key to living your most marvelous life!

Imagine a roadmap to understanding yourself better, making decisions with clarity, and living a more fulfilling life – and it’s already within your grasp!

See, here’s the thing—you have your very own intricate human design that is unique to you and you alone. Once you understand your Human Design, you’ll find it that much easier to make decisions and find your purpose.

According to the Jovian Archive:

With Human Design you discover what makes you different from everyone else. It offers profound insights into your psychology, along with strategies and techniques for making correct decisions and ultimately leading to a life of more ease and fulfillment.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to create a personalized body graph that serves as a map of your unique energy and characteristics. By understanding your Human Design, you can gain insights into how you interact with the world, make decisions, and navigate relationships. Everyone’s chart is unique, and knowing yours can empower you on your journey of self-discovery.

Register for an upcoming Human Design webinar here!


The Different Human Design Types

Knowing your Human Design Type influences how you approach life and relationships – which is key to living your best life and being the phenomenal woman you were born to be!

Each person’s Human Design falls into one of five types: Manifestors, Generators, Projectors, Reflectors, or Manifesting Generator.

the 5 human design types


First, we have the Manifestor Type. Manifestors are the initiators, with the ability to make things happen through their actions and decisions.

They are natural leaders and innovators who bring about change with their bold and decisive actions. They are here to trailblaze, shake things up, and do things differently. Manifestors thrive when they trust their instincts and act on their impulses, channeling their energy into projects and endeavors that align with their vision for the future. Their energy operates in creative bursts. Start something, and then let others keep it going.

It’s important you embrace your unique role as an initiator and trailblazer if Manifestor is your Human Design Type. One of their biggest lessons is that they are not for everyone.


Generators are the doers, with the energy to pursue their passions and projects enthusiastically. They are the ultimate workhorses of the human design types, and along with the Manifesting Generators, they make up over 70% of the population. Known for their tireless energy and ability to sustain long periods of focused effort, Generators excel at finding a sense of fulfillment through the work they do. They are like magnets, attracting opportunities that align with their authentic desires and talents.

If you’re a Generator, it’s important that you learn to listen to your inner authority and follow what genuinely lights you up. When you are doing what you love and are satisfied, you can go, go, go and will lift up the energy in everyone around you.


Projectors are guides who have the insight to see the big picture and lead others in the right direction.

Projectors have a unique way of navigating the world and interacting with others to achieve their goals and dreams. They make others feel deeply recognized and seen. Unlike Generators, the Projector’s energy ebbs and flows. They are not meant to go all day. They love learning and mastering systems and are here to achieve great success in their own way. It is important for them to feel deeply valued.


Reflectors approach life with a unique perspective. They are designed to mirror the energies around them and express themselves in a multitude of ways. They are deeply sensitive to others’ energy, often taking it on themselves. Reflectors are the rarest of the Human Design types, making up only 1% of the population.

For Reflectors, knowing their Human Design Type and that they energetically operate differently than everyone else can be a very healing process. Solitude helps them disconnect from what is not theirs.

Manifesting Generator

Lastly, we have the Manifesting Generators. This human design type is a force to be reckoned with, as it is a beautiful combination of the energy of the Generator and the manifesting ability of the Manifestor. In addition to their immense drive and passion, they are always eager to dive headfirst into new projects and experiences. They thrive when they have the freedom to switch directions.

Basically, if you thrive on variety and excitement and constantly seek ways to channel your energy into meaningful pursuits, you might be a Manifesting Generator.

Do you relate to one of these types? Your type is just the tip of the iceberg of Human Design!

How Do I Know Which Human Design Type I Am?

To figure out your Human Design Type, you’ll need your:

  • Birth Date
  • Birth Time (this is important)
  • Place of Birth

Using this information, you can generate your unique Human Design chart, also known as a Body Graph. This chart tells you your Human Design Type and can shed light on important information, such as:

  • Authority – how to make decisions that will align with what you are here to do
  • Incarnation Cross – your life theme and purpose
  • Profile – how we are designed to best align with our purpose
  • Strategy – how to best live in alignment with your type
  • The Nine Energy Centers – open and defined
  • and so much more.

While there are many ways to calculate your Human Design Type, I personally recommend utilizing the one from Human Design Blueprint!

Utilizing Your Unique Human Design for Personal Growth

As you dive deeper into understanding your Human Design Type, you’ll uncover valuable insights that can guide you on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It changed my life when I discovered that I was a Generator with sacral authority. I now know that I am meant to use my energy on the things I love and to trust my gut to tell me what is truly meant for me. This is why I offer Human Design Coaching! It’s a unique opportunity to further explore and apply these principles in a personalized and transformative way.

Human Design Coaching with Laurie Jonas

Human Design Coaching can help you take your chart from confusing to practical.  Together, we can navigate the complexities of your Human Design and leave you feeling empowered to make meaningful changes in your life.

If you’re looking for support in unlocking your full potential and living in alignment with your unique design, I encourage you to schedule a Human Design session. For a small fee, you will learn the basics of Human Design that will open up your world and help you step into your power. Once you know the basics, I can almost guarantee you will want to learn more!

When you dive into Human Design’s intricacies, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge that can guide you toward a more authentic and fulfilling life.

And once you know yours, you will want to know the design of everyone around you! I think Human Design is amazing, and I would love to share it with you.

So take the leap today and embark on a journey of self-discovery through your Human Design Chart. Remember, unlocking your potential starts with understanding your unique design. Don’t wait – your true self is waiting to be discovered.