Midlife is often perceived as a time of crisis, but it’s also an opportunity for profound growth. Embracing vulnerability and emotions during this period can unlock doors to self-discovery, joy, and fulfillment. You might wonder how embracing something as daunting as vulnerability can lead to empowerment. Let’s explore this journey together.

Here’s a bit of vulnerability for you: When people ask me about my business, Living Marvelously, and how it’s going, I usually say something like, “Good, I’m having a lot of fun.” 

In truth, I want to say, “I love what I do for Living Marvelously, and I love learning and sharing all I can about helping women find their power to create a fulfilling life, but this is really hard, and I sometimes feel I am fighting a losing battle. I struggle to step outside of my comfort zone and do the things I know I have to do to make it a success. I think about giving up a lot. But I’m not giving up! This is my passion, and I know it is what I am supposed to be doing. I’m learning right alongside everyone I am trying to help.”

That felt good. There is probably more that needs to come out, but we have to start somewhere. And just by sharing that and not hiding that feeling, I’ve opened up infinite possibilities for help.

We must recognize the importance of embracing feelings and stepping outside of our comfort zones. If you take nothing else away from this article, I hope you’ll recognize that your vulnerability is not a weakness but a gateway to resilience and empowerment.

ann voskamp quote vulnerability - reads: The world has enough women who lived in a masked insecurity. It needs more women who live in a brave vulnerability.

Recognizing the Power of Vulnerability

Vulnerability is often misunderstood as weakness. In reality, it’s quite the opposite. Think about it—being vulnerable means being open, honest, and authentic about our feelings and experiences. Facing our fears, insecurities, and past wounds requires immense courage.

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we create space for genuine connections with others. Imagine sharing your true self without fear of judgment or rejection. It’s like peeling away layers of armor that have been weighing you down for years. Suddenly, you feel lighter, freer, and more connected to those around you.

Consider this: Have you ever had a heartfelt conversation with someone where you both shared your deepest fears and dreams? Didn’t it create a bond that felt unbreakable? That’s the magic of vulnerability.

Navigating Emotional Waves

Emotions are like waves—they ebb and flow, sometimes gently lapping at our feet and other times crashing over us with overwhelming force. In midlife, these emotional waves can feel even more intense as we grapple with changes in career, relationships, health, and identity.

It’s important to remember that emotions are not meant to be suppressed or ignored. They are messengers from our inner selves, guiding us towards what truly matters. When we embrace our emotions instead of resisting them, we gain valuable insights into our desires, needs, and boundaries.

Think of your emotions as a compass guiding you on your journey. Feeling sad or anxious? It might be time to address unresolved issues or seek support from loved ones or professionals. Experiencing joy and excitement? Follow those feelings to discover new passions and opportunities.

Cultivating Self Compassion

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in midlife is self-compassion. It’s easy to be critical of ourselves when things don’t go as planned, we make mistakes, or we have feelings we aren’t proud of. However, treating ourselves with kindness and understanding can transform our entire outlook on life.

Imagine speaking to yourself as you would to a dear friend who is going through a tough time. Wouldn’t you offer words of encouragement and support rather than harsh criticism? By practicing self-compassion, we build resilience and foster a sense of inner peace.

Here’s a simple exercise: Whenever you catch yourself being self-critical, pause and take a deep breath. Gently remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you’re doing the best you can. Over time, this practice will become second nature.

brene brown quote about vulnerability

Reconnecting with Joy

Joy is not just an emotion; it’s a state of being that arises from living authentically and fully embracing life’s experiences. In midlife, many women rediscover forgotten passions or explore new interests that bring them joy.

What activities make your heart sing? Is it painting, dancing, gardening, or volunteering for a cause close to your heart? Make time for these pursuits regularly—they are essential for nurturing your spirit.

Remember that joy doesn’t always come from grand gestures; it often resides in small moments—a warm cup of tea on a rainy day, laughter shared with friends, or watching a beautiful sunset. By savoring these moments mindfully, we cultivate gratitude and deepen our connection to the present moment.

Practical Tips for Embracing Your Emotions

Okay, you recognize that being vulnerable is important, but how do you make space for that to happen? One way to start is by journaling regularly to reflect on your emotional experiences and gain clarity on your feelings. 

How Journaling Can Help You Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Journaling can be a powerful tool for helping you feel comfortable with the uncomfortable emotions that may arise in midlife. There are so many benefits to journaling, but the best part is getting it all out—the good, the “bad,” and everything in between. By taking time to reflect and making journaling a habit, you free up space to see the beauty and joy in your life. 


Manifestation Journal Living Marvelously Laurie Jonas


In addition, journaling provides a platform for practicing vulnerability and authenticity. By expressing your emotions honestly and openly on the pages of your journal, you can cultivate a sense of acceptance and self-compassion. 

Don’t forget: Once you have found clarity about your feelings and emotions through journaling, practice sharing them with others. That is where the magic happens.

How a Life Coach Can Help You Embrace Your Emotions

Another valuable resource in embracing your emotions in midlife is seeking the guidance of a life coach. While there are countless benefits to hiring a life coach, it’s a bit like turning on a lamp in the dead of night – you might not uncover everything immediately, but at least you can see where you’re going in the moment.

The great thing about hiring a life coach to help you work through your emotions is that we provide personalized support and guidance as you navigate the complexities of it all. When working with a client, I help them identify those patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that may be holding them back from fully embracing their emotions. 

If you would like some guidance on cultivating a healthier relationship with your emotions, I would love for you to schedule a call with me to discuss this further!

Embrace Your Journey

As women navigating midlife transitions together (yes, we’re all in this together!), let’s celebrate our vulnerabilities as sources of strength rather than weaknesses holding us back! Our emotions are powerful guides, leading us toward deeper connections within ourselves and others while cultivating compassion and joy with every step taken forward!

So here’s my invitation: Embrace vulnerability & emotions wholeheartedly during this transformative phase because they hold keys unlocking doors previously unseen! Trust yourself enough, knowing YOU possess the power to create joyful, fulfilling lives beyond imagination!


shine bright poem laurie jonas