Do you feel the need to overcome self-doubt? We all experience self-doubt from time to time. But when it interferes with your dreams, it’s time to learn how to overcome it.

How often do you doubt yourself? I’m guessing every time you don’t get what you want. But do you see the irony there?

You will never get what you want if you don’t think you are worthy of getting it!

Every time you doubt yourself, you repel your dreams!

The definition of self-doubt is a lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities. It’s a mindset that says you don’t believe in yourself.

That can be pretty normal if you are trying something new or have failed at something once or twice.

However, you are meant to live your dreams and desires. They were given to you and to you alone to carry out. So let’s push past our fears, limiting beliefs, negativity, and self-deprecation and learn how to overcome the self-doubt that is holding us back.

5 Ways to Overcome Self Doubt

Find Joy

The fastest way to move past your self-doubt is to do something that brings you joy. Have fun doing what you love to do. When you are in that space, your dreams will manifest. Open and allow instead of doubting and denying. If you can’t find joy in what you are trying to achieve, take a moment to reflect on whether this is truly what you want to do. Your dreams and desires should be exciting. What’s meant for you will bring you joy.

Use Affirmations

Another way to move past your self-doubt is to be aware of your thoughts and flip them around. Basically, use affirmations. Even if you don’t believe them at first, the more you say them, you will create new neuropathways in your mind, and you will know they are true.

You can find affirmations everywhere, but here are a few to get you started.

  • I completely believe in myself.
  • I am strong.
  • I am more than enough.
  • I trust myself.
  • I am capable of incredible things.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I have everything I need to accomplish everything I want.
  • I am awesome!

If you are struggling to reach your greatest desires, check your thoughts about whether you think you deserve them. You have the power to change those thoughts and therefore create the life you seek.

Related Posts: 51 Strong Affirmations for Success With Your New Goals and 20 Happy Affirmations to Bring You Closer to Your Dream Life

Do Some Journaling

Take out your journal if you feel unworthy and doubt your ability to achieve something.

Write down all of the times in your past that you have succeeded. When did you manifest something you desired? What achievements have you made? What are a few of the best things you have in your life right now?

The purpose of this exercise is for you to see that you have done this before. Show yourself all of the times you were worthy and confident. You can do great things, and if this next thing is important, you can do that too.

Download the Living Marvelously Journal for more prompts!

Practice Self Compassion

Not everything in life is going to be easy. As humans, we have free will, and sometimes we decide to do things that take us down paths away from our dreams. When we get off track, the Universe will likely give us a little nudge to get us back on track. Those nudges can be challenges that make us doubt ourselves. But they are meant to be lessons to show us a different way. So, don’t be so hard on yourself if something isn’t working. Take some time to check in with yourself and your intuition. Then try again and again and again.

Join a Mastermind or Hire a Coach

Find support to help you move forward. Being around people who make you feel good and support your journey is essential when you doubt yourself.

A mastermind is a group of like-minded people who are doing similar things. When you meet, everyone helps and lifts each other up. It’s a great way to learn from others what they have done to achieve their dreams.

A coach can help you dive deep into why you are feeling self-doubt. When you know the why, you can take steps to change your perception.


I’d love to connect to see if I can be of help. If you are struggling to live the life you dream of, schedule a 30-minute complimentary session today!

30 Minute Free Discovery Call


Overcome Self-Doubt Quotes

I’ll leave you with a few self-doubt quotes to help you see how others have overcome it and motivate you to work on your journey.

“To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.”
– Yann Martel

“We learn from failure, not from success.”
– Bram Stoker

“Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.”
– Dr. Roopleen

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
– Rumi

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”
– J. M. Barrie

“It’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not.”
– Hanoch McCarty
The next time you feel pangs of self-doubt, take a moment to reflect on where that self-doubt is coming from. It may just be that nudge from the Universe that there is an easier way.