When I first saw this prayer, I was immediately taken aback by how beautiful it is. The Metta Prayer is a prayer or mantra used as part of loving-kindness meditation.

Metta Prayer

May all beings be peaceful.

May all beings be happy.

May all beings be safe.

May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.

May all beings be free.


It comes from a Buddhist tradition of using mantras to clear your mind during meditation. To repeatedly say the same words over and over to put you in a trance-like state and prepare you to receive the benefits and insights you get from meditation.

You can also use the Metta Prayer by changing “all beings” to “I”. In fact, maybe the best way to use this prayer is to recite both.

Whenever I speak or talk to groups, I always start with the topic of loving yourself. Although that is very hard to do, it is a necessity in order to truly love others. When you love yourself, you are available to give that love to others. Otherwise, the things you don’t love about yourself, are used to judge others.

For example, if you do not like the way you look, that is the first place you will find fault in others. If you do not think you have enough money, you will judge others as being rich or poor or like yourself. Lastly, if you don’t feel successful, you will first see others on the basis of their success.

Try it, think of something you don’t love about yourself, and then pay attention to how you view the world.

One way to start to look at yourself with more loving-kindness and then in turn look at others that way is to recite the Metta Prayer.

Let’s break it down a bit.

The Metta Prayer of Loving Kindness

There are many variations of this prayer, and you can exchange words that feel more aligned with your thoughts. But the version I used above, expresses the intent of the prayer.

May I be peaceful. May all beings be peaceful.

According to Wikipedia, being “at peace” is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. It is considered to be a state where our mind performs at an optimal level with a positive outcome. Peace of mind is thus generally associated with bliss, happiness, and contentment. All emotions at the top of the vibrational scale. It’s about being fully present and focused on the task at hand.

Imagine a world where everyone was at peace with themselves. You can still go after the things that make you happy, but you wouldn’t have to destroy anyone else along the way.


Metta Prayer

Download this prayer in the Marvelous Resource Library under Just For Fun.


May I be happy. May all beings be happy.

The word happiness gets a bad rap. It has a reputation for being fluffy, sappy, or an easy way out. But I want to paint a different message. What if being happy was your ultimate goal because it meant all aspects of your life were as you desire?

When you are happy, you think your life circumstances are favorable, in harmony, and pleasing to you. If you are happy, aren’t most things going right in your life?

The meaning of being happy will be different for every person. The details of your life that make it meaningful and fulfilling for you will be totally different from anyone else, which is why happiness is attainable for everyone. It’s because you define what it means.

May I be safe. May all beings be safe.

When I think about what it means to be safe, I think about what it would mean to live without fear. Fear is the opposite of love. So, when I feel safe, I feel surrounded by love.

I am safe to try new things. Safe to be who I want to be. I am safe to occupy my space in this world without fear that someone else will take my safety away from me.

This might be my favorite sentence.

May I awaken to the light of my true nature. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.

What does true nature mean? There are probably some scientific or metaphysical definitions, but true nature to me is who you are at your core. Being in tune with what brings you joy.

Knowing what unique skills and abilities you have to share with the world. Again, this will be different for everyone, which is what makes the world go round. Awaken to the light of who you are and then allow everyone else to do the same.

May I be free. May all beings be free.

This sentence sums it all up. May all beings be free to be themselves. I know this is not a given in many parts of the world, but we can all pray that it be. When you feel the joy of freedom, from fear, guilt, stress, worry, or expectations, you will want to share that experience with others too. The best way to do that is through forgiveness.

Use the Metta Prayer daily as part of your morning or evening routine. The more you say it, the more you will believe. Just think of the positive energy we can all spread by wishing good intentions to everyone. Your light will definitely be shining bright!

Sign up for the Marvelous Resource Library and download a PDF of the Metta Prayer. You can find it under Just for Fun. 

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