In the last few weeks and weeks to come, we are all staying home and doing our part to slow down COVID-19. If you are not on the front lines or in an essential business, you might have some time on your hands to think about life. What are you discovering?

Here are a few things I’m discovering.

That time moves very slowly when you have to stay home every day.

My husband and I need a little space from each other once in a while.

It’s entertaining to talk to my kids all together online.

I’m sad I can’t meet my new grand niece!

We can get really creative with how we are social.

The people I looked up to were not the real heroes in life.

That the internet is important and should be available to everyone.

My health is a privilege that I will not take for granted.

If I have to wear a mask, I want it to be a cute one!

Bright sunny days are magical.


But I’m also discovering a few things about my mind and soul.

Many things are out of my control in life.

There is no need to rush through life.

I need to let go of the hows of life.

I can allow myself to let things be easy.

Take it easy and allow myself to rest.

I can create my own life, and I decide what makes me happy.

Finding balance is calming and liberating.

Now more than ever, treating myself kindly and with love is so important.


I found this beautiful quote from Walk the Earth.

“Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget that we don’t always have to be busy; we don’t always have to be checking our email or rushing to the next thing. We need to remind ourselves that it’s okay – and absolutely necessary – to slow it all down. To take a breath and enjoy nature. To turn off the TV and simply be together. Enjoy a game of cards. Ask our kids what they’re wondering about. To call our parents. Watch the sunrise. Enjoy the smell of a burning candle…we must never forget to enjoy the little things because they are never as little as we think.”


Most of you are doing a lot of these things right now.

But what happens when we are allowed to go back to our normal schedules again?

What aspects of life today do you want to incorporate into this new life after COVID-19?

What are you discovering that you want to continue?

That your kids are pretty cool and have some great things to tell you.

Working from home is what you want to do.

When you are sick, you will stay home. Your work or errands can wait.

Doctors, researchers, first responders, and anyone else who is keeping the country running right now are not only essential but are your heroes.

We should appreciate nature. It is a great source of mental healing, and we need to protect it.

We need human connection. Don’t forget to keep in touch when your lives get busy again.

Eating at home can be fun, but supporting your local restaurants is also necessary! You need a good mix.

Washing your hands is always important. Pay attention to the many things you touch out in public every day.

Maybe you have discovered a new hobby or a new skill.

Your voice is important, and you should stand up for what you believe in.

Take out, and curbside pick up is awesome.

Related Post: Feeling Empowered to Stay Positive in a Negative World

The point is that our lives are ours to create! We were given this time to see a new world. To see a new possibility for our lives.

I don’t think it will be possible to go back to our old lives without changing something.

Take some time to discover what makes you happy, what you like and don’t like about how you were living your life, and what you appreciate and not appreciate about social distancing. Please write it down in your journal and save it for a great story to tell your grandkids.

I’d love to see what you are discovering about your life! Please comment below.

“Don’t let what you can’t do influence what you can do.”

Check out my book, The 5 L’s of Living Marvelously, for more ways to discover a life you love!