Are you living your dreams? About a year and a half ago, I decided I would finally go after and live my dream. My dream was to share my thoughts and talk to others about what I believed. I love reading personal development books, and I will talk to anyone at length about anything to do with personal development, self-care, spirituality, or the law of attraction.

When I started out, I was scared to death. I was afraid of the judgment by people who don’t believe in these things or think that anything to do with the spirit within you is woo-woo.  I know they are out there, and I know many of them firsthand.

However, I also know that there are just as many people out there who believe it but are afraid to talk about it. You like what you read and are inspired to apply it, but you also get scared of the backlash. It’s easier to slither back into hiding.

Another reason some people are afraid to talk about this stuff is that they are afraid to discover that you have the power to live your dream life and do not have to settle for anything less. No one is to blame if your life is not exactly as you dream it could be. And that can be pretty scary.

Related Post: Is it Time to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?

So, I started out walking on eggshells, writing the safe stuff, and apologizing if I got too spiritual. But as time went on, I started letting go of the fears. I started writing about what felt good to me and what I heard from the spirit inside me.

And now, when I write, I post or share it and let others make their conscious choice of whether to read it.

I’m offering more products, teaching a course called “The Infinite Possibilities Workshop” based on the concept of thoughts becoming things, and offering 1:1 coaching.

My intention is always to inspire and motivate others to love their lives, follow their dreams, and live marvelously.

And so, to give you a better idea of what I believe and what I want to share with you, I wrote a book!

“The 5 L’s of Living Marvelously”

Five steps I have found can help you discover the life you are here to live.

The 5 L’s are Let Go, Love, Live, Learn and Leap.

5 L's of Living Marvelously

The 5 L's of Living Marvelously Book


Now, back to you, living your dreams!

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for the stars to align perfectly? Are you waiting for someone to come and set your dream on your lap?

Well, I can tell you that those things are not going to happen. If you want to live your dream life, you have to make it come true.


7 Steps to Living Your Dreams


Make a Plan

Write down what it would look like to be living your dreams. Visualize it in your head. How do you feel now that you are living your dream life?

Now write down the baby steps you can take to get there. Maybe it’s just talking to someone who has achieved similar success. Or, take a class or tell your friends about what you want.  Just by taking baby steps and letting the universe know this is what you want, you are putting systems in place to get you there.

Related Post: How to Use the Law of Attraction Every Day

Be Accountable

By telling friends and family about what you want and putting yourself out into the world, you are letting others help you be accountable. And that’s a good thing. Otherwise, you might go back into hiding and leave your dreams behind. Your life is meant to be lived. You are meant to be on an adventure. Go do it!

Embrace the Challenges

When challenges come up, and they will come up, embrace them and learn from them. Are they telling you to take a different direction? Are they letting you in on some of your limiting beliefs? Take the time to examine why they are happening, and then embrace the gifts they are giving you.

Look for the Serendipity

Once you set your dreams in motion, you let the universe in on your plan. The universe will send you all kinds of serendipities, happy accidents, and coincidences. Pay attention and use them if they feel good. Who is coming into your life? What is showing up more than once? What books keep popping up?

Related Post: How to Develop Intuition for Greater Inner Guidance

Act as If

Act as if your dreams have already come true. Think back to when you were a child, and you played pretend. Do that. When you act as if you can change your mind to believe that you are living your dreams.

Don’t Stop

Most people quit right before their dream comes true because they can’t see it. You have to have some faith. Know it is coming. Believe in yourself and your dream, and keep moving in that direction.

I can tell you that it is really fun to live your dreams. Why else would we be here? We are meant to thrive, not just survive.

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah Winfrey


Get Some Help

If you are stuck and unsure how to start living your dreams, find a coach, a good book, or a trustworthy friend. I’d love to help you discover what is holding you back. Check out my Coaching page for more information.

Don’t let another day go by without making plans to live a life you love!