Can you remember a time when you were going about your day, and suddenly you had this great idea for your new business? Or you suddenly realized what to buy someone for Christmas? Or that name you were trying to think of popped into your head? How about that feeling you get when you think about a new person in your life? That is your intuition. And it’s there for you all of the time. Learn how to develop intuition to help guide you through life.

What is intuition?

The definition of intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Intuition bridges the gap between our conscious and unconscious minds.

In other words, intuition is your higher spirit giving you a burst of insight to help guide and direct you through your life. It is actually the highest form of intelligence because it comes from infinite wisdom that you directly connect to.

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.”― Dean Koontz

And remember, it’s there for you whether you believe it or not. Here are some ways you may have experienced it.

8 Ways You Experience Intuition

The whispers of your soul – That’s when you suddenly hear that name or idea whispered to you.

The butterflies in your belly – The nervousness you feel before you do something is either a sign of stopping and reassessing or a sign to push through your fear.

When your heart skips a beat – A sure sign to stop and pay attention to what is happening.

Gut feelings – Pay attention to any discomfort or uncertainty you feel in your body before deciding.

Epiphanies – Aha moments. Ideas coming to you when you least expect them. Thoughts drop into your mind.

Strong Feeling – When you know something is either right or wrong for you.

Wild and crazy ideas – Ideas come to you that were not in the realm of possibility before. Your higher spirit has access to infinite possibilities.

Dreams – Your dreams are subconscious images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily. Keep a record and look for recurring themes.

All of these intuitive hits are communication between your soul and your human body. It’s information that originates from outside your normal awareness.

If you think your knowledge ends with what you have learned and experienced, you are severely limiting yourself. Don’t let your limiting beliefs stop you from using and developing your intuition.

”Trusting your intuition means tuning in as deeply as you can to the energy you feel, following that energy moment to moment, trusting that it will lead you where you want to go and bring you everything you desire.”-Shakti Gawain


How to Develop Intuition

  1. Listen to the first thing that comes to mind. It’s important to keep track of when they are right. Then you will know when to acknowledge your feelings and trust them.
  2. If you are facing a problem, quiet your mind and let your higher spirit talk to you. You can do this throughout your day.
  • Do a short meditation. Sit quietly for 3 minutes, focusing on your breath. Ask your higher spirit about the problem you are facing.
  • Go for a walk, and appreciate your surroundings. This is where I get many hits of intuition.
  • When you are in the shower focusing on bathing.
  • Write in your journal, whatever comes to mind. Don’t judge what you are called to write.
  • While you are cleaning your house and focusing on that.
  • Sit quietly in prayer.

3.  Feel the energy around you. Is it positive or negative? If you get a sense of negativity or feel your energy drain when you are around someone, your intuition may tell you something. Act on it and then pay attention to whether it was right.

“Never apologize for trusting your intuition – your brain can play tricks, your heart can blind, but your gut is always right.” – Anonymous

Signs You are Trusting your Intuition

  • You have vivid dreams that mean something to you.
  • A good judge of character with new people you meet.
  • You are in tune with your body and what sensations may be telling you.
  • Sudden realizations come to you more often. You trust that they will.

When you learn how to develop intuition, you expose yourself to a deep connection to your Higher Spirit and the world around you. Those instincts can act as an internal navigation system that guides and directs you through your life.

Of course, your decisions should always be based on what feels right and what makes logical sense. That is why it is important to keep track and test when your intuition was correct.

So, the next time an idea, feeling, or answer to a problem pops into your head, pay attention, and use it to develop your intuition. The magic of your inner senses are there, so you may as well use them!

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”- Albert Einstein

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