When is the last time you heard yourself say, “I am getting old”?  I know I say it whenever I forget something or hear my bones creak.  As we age, we tend to forget what it was like to have youthful energy.

don't worry about getting old quote

Recently I followed a 21-day meditation with Deepak Chopra and the Chopra Center Meditation group.  The name of the 21-day course was Energize your life:  Secrets for a Youthful Spirit.  In their 21-day meditation series, Deepak talks about the day’s focus and then leads a meditation.  They also provide journal questions, which is what I like to do during the meditation music.  (Remember my meditation post 🙂 ) Every day, I learned something new about myself or had an “aha” moment.  I felt like I could get my youthful energy back.  I want you to get your youthful energy back too.

Do you remember what youthful energy is?

Youthful energy is defined as having a youth’s appearance, spirit, or energy.  It is belonging to, relating to, or characteristic of youthful optimism.  Energy flows in and out of us constantly – it is ageless.  We have all of the energy we need and want; we need to tap into it.  Another word for youthful energy is enthusiasm (from the Greek, “filled with God”).  Enthusiasm is an ongoing energy supply tapped into the flow of life itself.  It is grounded in play, not work.

Why do we want youthful energy?  We can compare many of these changes with ways to be a better person or healthier. Think about when you were young.  We mostly just played and didn’t worry about much else!  We ate when we were hungry, we ran around all of the time, we slept when we were tired, and we lived in the moment and found wonder in the smallest things.  As adults, we have a “few” more responsibilities, but we can learn a lot from our youth.

A smart way to start a new year!



Here are my top 10 changes for more youthful energy

Make self-care a priority

My priority is well-being through self-awareness.

I need to eat, sleep, work, socialize, and play in ways that keep the flow of life energy full and balanced.  What areas of your life are stagnant and uninspiring?  Find creative outlets.

I find myself sitting on the couch at night, staring at the TV.  Sometimes that is just what I need, but sometimes I think I should be doing something else.  Did I get enough exercise today?  Did I talk to my kids?  Do I really need to eat that piece of chocolate? (Probably yes!)

Creative outlets for me are writing, reading, painting, or walking my dog!  Maybe I should do that instead.

Be aware of when you are not in balance; what can you do to change that?

Discover your unique self

Don’t give away your power!  Be yourself!  Speak your truth!

On this day, my “aha” moment was that I need to grow stronger in expressing my opinion and asking for what I wanted.  Don’t shy away, have fun, and be yourself!  Access that youthful energy I had when I was thirteen and ensured my parents knew what I wanted.  Don’t let others make choices for you.

Reduce inflammation for lifelong energy

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.  Inflammation happens inside our body when we eat foods our cells don’t agree with.  Eat more whole foods, probiotics, and fiber.  What processed foods can I cut out?  Chips, fast food, boxed dinners, etc.   Another source of inflammation is worry.  Worry inflames my mental activity.  Our worry will not change the outcome.  Let it go and live in the moment.  What can I do now to make the situation better?

Reduce stress to increase energy

Reduce needless pressure.  Identify your sources of stress and do what you can to minimize their influence.  One source of stress for me is trying to please everyone, but I can’t be someone else – I can only be me – whatever that looks like.  What I do will not please everyone, and that’s OK.  Most of you that are reading this have your basic needs met.  Food, water, a roof over your head, a bed to sleep on, a family that loves you, and opportunities for stimulation.    Most of our stress is self-induced.  Change that.

Move from surviving to thriving

What does it mean to thrive?  Make choices that expand awareness and find new ways to be fulfilled.  Every time you are faced with a challenge, stay young by taking on those challenges by discovering new resources for help.  Be open, accepting, and trusting.  Reach out to someone new, google a new doctor, and don’t give up until you feel fulfilled!

Optimizing physical energy

To renew my energy, I balance rest and activity.  Listen to your body’s biorhythms.  Notice when you need to get up and move.  Maybe it is for 5 minutes every hour.  Exercise improves our energy by training the heart to work more effectively and getting more oxygen to the brain, muscles, and other organs.  It also allows your blood to circulate more efficiently.  This can be achieved by moving just 20-30 minutes a day!

Core Beliefs make us who we are

Do you know what your core beliefs are?  Core beliefs are deeply held beliefs that influence how we interpret and react to our experiences.  Everyone sees things differently.  There are many ways to identify your core beliefs, but the ones that have been most valuable to me are writing in my journal and paying attention to what I say.  For example, how do you feel about money?  Did your parents use to tell you it didn’t grow on trees?  Do you think it is hard to get?  I wrote out some of my core beliefs here.

Maybe there are some core beliefs you can change to free up some youthful energy.

Transformation is about awareness

What I am aware of, I can change.  Examine the present moment.  What are you in denial about?  Are you overweight, afraid of success, lonely, or scared?  What do you need to do to change that?  Identify it, and then take baby steps to transform yourself into the best version of yourself.

The best way to be yourself

Selflessness is the true self.  Be kind, open, and non-judgmental.  What are you doing when you are uplifted, joyful, and energized?  Do more of that.  Find your joy and act on it.  Ways to be selfless are to be kind, helpful, friendly, and positive.   Listen to others, smile, and don’t complain in public.

Creating a new world from the inside out

Set your highest vision and follow it!  Be an expression of peace, love, and compassion.  Your positive energy is contagious.  When you are feeling youthful and enthusiastic, it rubs off on others.  To make the world a better place, I have always said we must improve ourselves.

It’s possible to feel young again.  Engage your own youthful spirit by discovering your unique self.  Energize your life!

Are you ready for more youthful energy?

“I make time to play and explore each day, approaching new experiences with the curiosity and openness of a child.”  Deepak Chopra