What is karma? I bet your first thought is that when someone does something bad, you say they will get paid back by something bad happening to them. That is kind of correct, but there is so much more to karma. Let me explain the 12 Laws of Karma.

The definition of karma, according to Wikipedia, is that karma means action, work, or deed. The term also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein the intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. If you believe in reincarnation, karma can also affect future existence.

Karma can also be when the Universe brings you challenges because you are off the path to your dreams and desires. Karma is only for the individual receiving it. So, if you are acting in a way that is not aligned with who you are and your unique abilities, the Universe will tell you so by giving you a roadblock.

I will share more and share the laws of karma examples below, but it’s another excellent way to explain how each of us has the power to create the life we desire.

12 Laws of Karma

PDF of the 12 Laws of Karma can be found in the Marvelous Resource Library under Manifesting. Click here to get the password!

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The Great Law

This is the one law of karma you probably know the best. It is about cause and effect. Like the Law of Attraction, you will get back whatever thoughts or energy you put out, whether they are good or bad. So karma is not just for bad deeds; it works with good deeds too.

Whatever you desire in life, you give out that same energy. For example, if you want to be happy, find ways to be happy now. If you want to be loved, be loving. On the other hand, if someone is mean to others, they can expect others to be mean to them.

The Law of Creation

You are responsible for creating the life you desire. Nothing will happen without taking some action. That action can be baby steps, but you can’t just think about what you want and expect it to happen, even if it means just walking out the door to possibly run into someone who can help you get what you desire.

Each baby step you take tells the Universe what direction you are going, and they will meet you or help redirect you, but you have to start moving.

Related Post: 7 Steps to Living Your Dreams

The Law of Humility

If there are things that you don’t like in your life, the law of humility says that you must realize it is your own doing. You must accept your role in creating your reality. That is when change can happen. This law might be my favorite of the 12 laws of karma. I am responsible for my life, and I will humbly accept where I am at in reaching my desires.

The Law of Growth

Be an example for others to emulate. Like Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Work on yourself and your growth before you judge someone else. The focus should always be on how you are affecting this world.

The Law of Responsibility

Your choices determine your experiences. Some of those choices are based on what you believe to be true, so if you are still having experiences that you don’t want, dive deeper into what you believe and what choices you are making because of them. It all comes back to you, and you can not blame anyone else.

Related Post: 7 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back from Living Marvelously

The Law of Connection

Your mind, body, spirit, and actions are all connected. What you have done in the past, do today, and do tomorrow are all connected. However, that doesn’t mean you are doomed for life. You can decide right now to change how you think and act, and it will positively affect the future.


12 laws of karma


The Law of Focus

What you focus on becomes a reality. Sometimes, we focus on too many things, so those thoughts contradict one another. My favorite thing to focus on is happiness. When I am focused on happiness, it creates things in my life that make me happy. Of course, I am also taking action and doing things that make me happy. As soon as my focus shifts to losing weight or making more money, I am now creating a life of limitation.

The Law of Giving & Hospitality

Another name for this law is The Law of Kindness. Karma equals action, and the action in this law is what you do for others. If you are learning that you need to be loving to yourself for others to love you, you also need to love others. It’s putting into practice what you believe to be true. You can love yourself, but if you are still judging others, you will also be judged. We are all connected; you do not live on an island of yourself. Practice what you preach.

Related Post: Feel the Joy of Giving Without Expecting Anything In Return

The Law of Here and Now

The present moment is all we have. Forgive the past and create moments now that will predict your future. The worry and guilt you create can be erased by only focusing on the here and now. What can you do right now to create the life you want? What action can you take, what thought can you change, and what belief is no longer valid?

“Remember, then: there is only one time that is important — Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power.” — Leo Tolstoy

Related Post: How to Live in the Moment Every Day

The Law of Change

“History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.” If you keep running into the same obstacles, it’s the Universe’s way of telling you that something needs to change. And, until you get that, those obstacles will keep happening. Another quote from Albert Einstein that makes this point is, “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” What small thing can you change in your routine today? Pay attention to what happens differently.

The Law of Patience and Reward

Mike Dooley taught me a GPS analogy that goes like this. To get to your desired destination, you have to put in the exact place you want to go, put your car in gear and drive, and then trust the directions until you arrive at your destination. We don’t think twice about that when we are driving, but what about all of those times you have quit something because it was taking too long to get there? Would you turn around and go back home after driving 2 hours and 58 minutes into a 3-hour drive because you still don’t see the destination? Of course not; you trust you will get there.

You will never know if you are on the right path until you arrive. That takes patience to wait for your reward.

The Law of Significance & Inspiration

Every tiny thing you do can impact another. Even smiling at a stranger can change their whole persona and prevent them from causing harm to themselves or others. Do not think you have to have a significant purpose in life. It’s the small things you do that create our world. Your positive energy will radiate to others and inspire them to be positive. This law of karma also suggests that you alone cannot change the world. Create a ripple effect of kindness.

Related Post: Notice Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward

Awareness of how your life is unfolding and the actions you can take to maintain or change the direction is what the 12 laws of karma are all about. It’s putting out into the world what you want to receive—one baby step at a time.

What do you want your karma to be?

My desire is to help others see their power in creating a life they love. That’s why I wrote The 5 Ls of Living Marvelously. Get your copy today!

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