I found most of these affirmations while reading my morning devotions.  A few I made up to get myself out of a funk.  Affirmations for me change the trajectory of my thoughts.  They steer me in a more positive direction.  These 17 affirmations meant something to me at the time I wrote them down and can mean something entirely different for you.  It is fun to look back and see which ones actually moved me to do something different or change my thoughts.

I use my affirmations during my morning journal writing, in my planner to set intentions and I sometimes write them on sticky paper and post them around my house for motivation. The more we say and read positive affirmations that portray the life we want to live, the faster we can manifest it.

17 Affirmations

  1. You transform the world by transforming yourself
  2. Let Go and Let God!
  3. If you want something, ASK FOR IT – DO IT!
  4. You can change your circumstances on a dime
  5. Speak your truth
  6. Think as highly of yourself as you possibly can.  Because no matter how high that is, you will still undershoot the truth.
  7. Your gifts and talents are needed
  8. The only approval you need is from God
  9. Dwell in possibility
  10. Learn more, expand more, dare more, and create more
  11. The nature of the mind is clear
  12. Be responsible for your part in the great scheme of things
  13. No one is obligated to change just to make the world a better place for you to live in
  14. Life is an adventure, not a destination
  15. I look and feel slim and gorgeous
  16. Listen just to listen
  17. Be awake to how much happiness you have


Related Post: 13 Affirmations and How to Create Your Own

I find a lot of my affirmations by just reading and I write them down in my daily journal.  Something will pop out and get my attention.  Sometimes I change them up a little bit to have a little more meaning for me.  I believe that our thoughts become our reality, so repeating positive affirmations can create new beliefs and steer you in a more positive direction.

I’m looking forward to seeing what affirmations move me next year!

Related Posts: Bedtime and Morning Affirmations

What affirmations do you use?  Let me know in the comments below, let’s inspire each other!