I loved Thanksgiving Day when my mom, Marvel, was alive. It was always all about family. She would make the usual comfort foods; turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, scalloped corn (which we still make today every Thanksgiving), cranberries out of the can for my dad, store-bought pies, and hot rolls. We would all find a place to eat wherever we could, and the plates didn’t always match. Once in a while, there would be a new friend at the table that mom invited because they had nowhere else to go. Often times we didn’t get in a Thanksgiving prayer before we ate because it was pretty chaotic, but I know we all felt the gratitude in our hearts. We continue this tradition today, except now my sister Barb makes the food, and I think we have real cranberries and homemade pies!

Our families are getting bigger and sometimes have to split time with their other families, but it’s so nice to have this day to reconnect with those that come.

If you are lucky enough to spend some time with family this Thanksgiving week, remember to go with an open heart. Leave judgments and past grievances at home or locked away. Remember to look for ways to help others and share your gifts. Look for ways to be kind and present.

Thanksgiving Prayer

I wrote this Thanksgiving prayer to help us recognize what we have to be grateful for and to remember that there are many who are less fortunate.

I hope you can make this Thanksgiving prayer part of your day, whether it’s before the meal, before you leave home or before you go to sleep. Always be grateful and pray for those who are less fortunate. Do what you can to make Thanksgiving a day of love and joy for many!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Prayer

I am grateful to have a family to celebrate with, please pray for those who are alone.

I am grateful for my safety, please pray for all who are serving our country and cannot be with their families on this day.

I am grateful my kids are home with me; please pray for those who are gone or missing.

I am grateful for the abundance of food on our table today, please pray for those who are hungry.

I am grateful for our health and ability to enjoy this day to the fullest, please pray for those who are sick and suffering.

I am grateful for a warm home to come back to, please pray for those who are homeless or who have lost their home.

I am grateful that I am able to help those in need.

  Help me to remember to share with others today and to keep the spirit of giving throughout this holiday season and the year ahead!

Print a PDF of the prayer here!

A Thanksgiving Prayer


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