It’s November 1, are you up for a gratitude challenge?

Usually, during November we are encouraging each other to be thankful for all we have.

During the Thanksgiving meal, the dreaded question comes up. “What are you thankful for?” Then one by one you go around the table. Unless you have prepared ahead of time, the answer is usually, “Family and friends gathered here today” or “This delicious food at the table.”

These answers do make sense, since our Thanksgiving was modeled after the first harvest in the New World in October 1621.

On a side note, according to an article in Town and Country magazine titled, 8 Interesting Thanksgiving Day Facts, you can also be thankful for Franklin D. Roosevelt who changed the date of Thanksgiving to one week earlier to lengthen the holiday shopping season. 

While these are awesome things to be thankful for, what about the other 364 days of your year?

Let’s get a little more creative!

To give you some time to think, I’ve provided a 30-day gratitude challenge.

Starting today, use the prompts to think of something you are grateful for, then when Thanksgiving rolls around, you will be ready!

November Gratitude Challenge!

  1. A gift you received
  2. New food you tasted
  3. A friend
  4. Book or Podcast
  5. Goal you accomplished
  6. Gift you gave
  7. Something about your body
  8. Piece of advice you received
  9. A new skill
  10. Something that made you laugh
  11. Trip or adventure
  12. Piece of technology
  13. Something beautiful
  14. Mode of transportation
  15. Your children or someone else’s children
  16. Item you use every day
  17. Someone you helped
  18. Sports team
  19. The amount of money you have
  20. Your spouse or partner
  21. Movie
  22. Your job
  23. A challenge you overcame
  24. Favorite memory
  25. Family member
  26. Where you live
  27. Charity you donated to
  28. A lesson you learned
  29. Something about your personality
  30. Nature

gratitude challenge

Feel free to save and print the image for use every day! The PDF can also be found in the Resource Library under Just For Fun.

I want access to the Living Marvelously Resource Library!

Write these down in your journal as part of your morning or evening routine! Hopefully, one of them will spark your creativity this Thanksgiving and inspire your family as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Thanksgiving day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.”  E.P Powell

“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?”  Charlie Brown

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”  William Arthur Ward

“Thanksgiving is the meal we aspire for other meals to resemble.”  Jonathan Safran Foer