As we begin the new year, many of us contemplate our lives, what needs to change, and how to improve it. Most resolutions are ones that we make year after year and never quite finish. This year I’m doing something a little different. Instead of resolutions, I will focus on appreciating the little things to love my life and appreciating and feeling gratitude for all that is in my life right now—noticing the happiness that already exists.

What is Appreciation?

The definition of appreciation is “a feeling or expression of admiration, approval or gratitude. An increase or rise in the value of property, goods, etc.”. Appreciation in the value of property or goods is usually associated with money or accounting. But we can also look at it to raise the value of how we look at ourselves and what we have in our life—increasing our vibrational energy.

A quote from Joe Dispenza –

“When you open yourself to appreciation, you raise the level of energy in your body and expose yourself to new possibilities.”

And according to the Law of Attraction, the Universe responds to energy and will deliver circumstances and opportunities that are a vibrational match. The more we think of thoughts of appreciation, the more we will be given to appreciate.

In Gabrielle Bernstein’s book Super Attractor, she has a whole chapter on Appreciation.

She says, “When your focus is on what’s working and thriving, you feel good, and that good feeling state is what attracts more of what you want.”

Our new year’s resolutions that focus on what is not working in our lives will attract more of what we don’t want.

But Bernstein also tells us, “You don’t have to find appreciation for the things that aren’t working. Instead, appreciate anything else – so that whatever isn’t working will benefit. Assuming energy of appreciation is the fastest way out of a negative obsession.”

As An Example

Almost every year, my resolution has something to do with my lack of exercise. Instead of focusing on exercising more, I sit down every morning and appreciate the little things I already do.

I appreciate –

  • Having to walk my dog every day
  • A healthy body that allows me to do what I want
  • The elliptical machine that patiently waits for me
  • Time in my day to fit in at least 30 minutes of movement

By doing this, I am taking the attention away from what I am not doing and appreciating everything that my life provides me. Of course, I still need to act, but it comes from a more loving place. And love is the highest feeling on the vibrational energy scale.

How Do You Find Appreciation In Your Life?

  • You start by being aware of what is happening in your life that makes you feel good.
  • Look at everything you take for granted that makes your life a little easier.
  • Who is a part of your life that does things that allow you to enjoy your life a little more?
  • Notice what and who makes you smile every day.
  • Listen to others who express their appreciation.
  • Celebrate your little wins every day.

Super Attractor

Ways to Start Appreciating the Little Things In Life

Start every morning with your journal

List out everything you appreciate. Use the examples above to get the appreciation flowing. Start with simple things like enjoying your comfortable bed, your morning coffee, a warm home, a morning kiss from your spouse, a beautiful day, etc. Set the timer for five minutes and write.

This practice puts you in a high-energy state of love which will attract more of that to you.

Journal for women over 50

Tell others that you appreciate them

Share your appreciation with others. Tell your spouse what you love about them. Thank them for the little things they do that you might take for granted. Tell your co-workers or employees how much you enjoy working with them and are thankful for what they do—compliment people throughout your day.

Appreciation is contagious and can shift the energy of your relationships. When you feel appreciated, you will always do more than what is expected.


Take a few moments to dedicate to feeling good. Turn on a song that makes you happy. As you listen, think about all of the things that you appreciate. Let the feelings flow. When you are done, take out your journal and write down any inspiration from the meditation.

Bernstein says, “This appreciation meditation practice will feel great. When you attune your energy to these good-feeling emotions, you will instantly notice a major shift. You’ll feel more alive and awake. Inspiration will pour through you; people will want to spend time with you, and your attraction will speed up.”

That sounds pretty good and is definitely worth a try!

Benefits of Appreciation

  • By appreciating where you are today, it does not mean that you have to stay there. You are opening up possibilities for much more.
  • “Focusing on feeling good is much more valuable than focusing on your exact desire or goal. The Universe responds to energy and delivers circumstances and opportunities that are a vibrational match. If your desire feels far from reach, concentrate on what feels good, and you’ll get closer to your desire. Let the Universe respond swiftly to your good feeling emotions, and before you know it, you will be closer to what you want.” From Super Attractor.
  • When you are in a state of appreciation, there is no room for worry! Worry and gratitude cannot exist at the same time. Bring your focus back to the present and appreciate what is going right for you today.
  • When life seems complicated, and things are not going your way, learn to look for what you can learn from it and appreciate the lessons. This is not always easy and may take a little time, but appreciating the good things in your life brings you out of your funk faster.
  • I know that it is nearly impossible to be positive all of the time, but learning to appreciate what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t, can bring you closer.

As I was writing this, I came to a block in my writing. Instead of beating myself up and forcing myself to keep going, I looked at my dog lying by my side and took him outside for a walk. I appreciated my dog for his companionship and God’s beautiful nature.

Two things happened: I got more exercise and was inspired to finish this post. See how fast it works!

How can you bring more appreciation to your life? Take some time this week to be aware of where you are focusing on lack or what you don’t have, and change your focus to appreciation and what is beautiful in your life right now.

I’ll leave you with a few quotes –

“For your life to be great, you must first learn to appreciate it.”

“Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life.” Sanaya Roman

“Appreciate life even if it’s not perfect. Happiness is not the fulfillment of what we wish for, but an appreciation of what we have.”

“Trust in this process, and know that the more you attune to the energy of appreciation, the more the Universe will deliver” Gabrielle Bernstein