I need some fitness motivation. We only have one body to carry us through this life, and if we want to make the most of this life and do what brings us joy, we better take care of it. I want to be fit and not worry about whether the clothes in my closet that I just uncluttered fit. Life is much smoother when I have habits that make me feel and look good, and I don’t have to stop my life and get depressed because something doesn’t fit or I “feel fat.”

Just like I wrote in “Worrying About What I Look Like,” it’s time to stop being so mean to ourselves and accept who we are. So, focusing on our own fitness motivation is necessary.

Are you with me?

Being fit will mean something different to everyone. And whatever level of fit you want, there is an exercise trainer to help you, from CrossFit to Yoga and Pilates, to Aerobics, speed walking, running, racquetball, playing other sports, swimming or calisthenics.

The goal is to find something that works for you. And the trick to make yourself do it is to take one step, then another, until you take a step every day, and maybe that’s enough, or you find yourself wanting more.

Now that it is Spring and the weather is a little nicer, it can be much easier to be motivated to step outside. Both my jobs inside and outside the home are done mainly by sitting at a desk, so seeing the sun shining can be a good motivator.

In March, I challenged myself to exercise for 30 minutes every day. I used my Apple Watch to keep track, which can be highly motivating when that circle is incomplete! Using some sort of fitness watch or app can be very helpful. But during that month, I could feel the benefits.

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I have a routine of going to Pilates twice a week and taking walks with my dog the other days. I love that routine and can feel the benefits of that consistency. But I have been doing that for over a year now, and I need to pick it up a notch. I know that, but it is not second nature for me, and it can’t be “hard,” or I won’t do it. I need to find a way to motivate myself and make it a routine.

Here are some ideas

If you usually watch a couple of hours of TV at night. During commercials, you can:

  • Do 10-20 jumping jacks
  • Do 10-20 sit-ups or pushups or both
  • Plank for the two minutes
  • Run in place
  • Do high knees, butt kicks, or march in place
  • Stretch or do a couple of yoga poses

Take longer walks with your dog. Listen to a podcast, music, or book on audible. Maybe you could bring a garbage bag and pick up trash along the way.

Clean up your yard. There are a lot of sticks I can pick up, and it could probably take me more than a couple of days. There is also a lot of tree trimming I could do. Both of those tasks would be a good cardio workout. (I hope my husband doesn’t read this article because he might hold me to this!)  For you, there might be raking, gardening, or planting flowers.

Clean your house. Have you ever tracked your steps while cleaning your home? It’s amazing how much moving you do. We should all clean our house regularly, so make it a workout! You can block out time every week, and that’s what you do!

Related Post: 8 Habits to Help You Make the Most of Your Life

Turn on some music and dance around the house! Shake off any excess stress or tension in your body.

Find exercise classes on TV, DVDs, YouTube, Itunes, or the internet. Block out time during the week to do them. I found some great ideas on the Good Housekeeping website here. I have DVDs on my shelf, and I have equipment collecting dust. The key is to block out time and make yourself honor that time for exercise.

fitness motivation

Find another class to attend. Maybe yoga, boxing, HIIT, spinning, Zumba, Barre, Bootcamp, there are so many options.

Find a workout partner or group with similar goals. I will not be motivated by working with someone much more fit and athletic than I am because I will probably be jealous the whole time and get nothing out of my workout!

I know there are no guarantees that fitness and exercise will make me live longer, but I know they will help me make the most of this life right now. 

Here are some of the many benefits of keeping your body fit.

  • Weight loss
  • Increase energy

Related Post:  10 Changes for More Youthful Energy

  • Good for your muscles and bones
  • Improve your mental health
  • It helps with relaxation and sleep quality
  • Reduce the risk of chronic disease
  • Gives you confidence
  • Improves your body image
  • Sharpens your memory

Finally, probably the most motivating is that when you are feeling “less than,” all you need to do is go for a walk or move your body to clear your head and notice the miracles and blessings around you.

Do you need some fitness motivation? What is your go-to exercise?

“Nothing will work unless you do!” John Wooden

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