Isn’t about time you learn how to actually accomplish the goals you’ve set? We spend a lot of time thinking about what our goals and dreams are, but how much time do we spend actually accomplishing them? My word of the year is “accomplish.” I will strive to accomplish as many goals and dreams as possible. But, to do that, I have to have a plan and a system.

If you don’t work on accomplishing your goals, then all you do is dream and not live that marvelous life you dream of.

Time Management Matters in Goal Setting

You probably have many goals but often get distracted doing the easy or fun things. That’s human nature! We set goals so we can identify and prioritize what we want to accomplish, but without effective time management, you’ll find yourself easily stuck in the mediocre every day tasks.

When you learn effective time management, especially as it pertains to goal setting, you can devote more time to what’s most important to you.

For example, you might start with broad planning – looking at your months ahead. Personally, I recommend using the Trello project management system. It allows me to organize all of my projects and store information for them in one place. But I’m also someone who needs to write things down. So my daily tasks are part of my morning journal practice. Find something to help you track everything you want to accomplish.

The next step to actually accomplishing your goals is prioritizing what needs to get done before doing the fun or easy tasks. My mind works best in the morning, so knowing that I will do my writing and other most challenging tasks first. I slow down in the middle of the afternoon, so if something hasn’t been completed yet, it probably won’t get done that day.

Knowing what time of day you work best is imperative to taking a big step toward setting goals you actually accomplish.

Organizing + Goal Setting

Once you know what you will work on with your goals, do you know where everything is to get started?

Create some sort of system to categorize your projects. Whether it is digital or paper, if you can quickly have what you need, you are much more likely to work on it and get it done.

My system is not necessarily pretty, but it works for me. Digitally, I use Trello to store the websites and any information that I find on the internet to help with my tasks. Manually, I have file folders labeled with the name of each project. Every day I take notes on notebook paper, and at the end of each day, those sheets of paper get filed in the corresponding folder. So whether you are creating an online course, planning a vacation, or taking baby steps toward your dreams, have a place to keep all of your notes, so you aren’t backtracking or wasting time looking for what you have already done.

create infinite possibilities how to course

Take Responsibility with Your Goals

At the end of each month or year when you realize you haven’t reached your goal again, who do you blame? Maybe others are distracting you, or others need your attention. I know that I catch myself creating stories in my mind that I am needed elsewhere, which takes me away from doing my work or the things I want to do. But, when you don’t reach your goals, it is 100% your fault. Stop putting off the life you want to live, no more excuses.

From my article Tips on How To Take Responsibility for Your Life Today, here are a few tips on deciding what is most important to reach your goals.

Decide whether:

  • Going out with friends is more important than healthy eating.
  • Another episode of Veep is more important than a half-hour of reading.
  • The latest Facebook or Instagram notification is more important than working on your writing.
  • The laundry or dirty dishes can wait until after your workout.
  • That new shirt or lamp at Target is more important than sticking to your budget.
  • You can give yourself the time you need to accomplish your list today.
  • Your goals and self-care are more important than helping everyone else with theirs.
  • You need a mentor or accountability partner to keep you on track.

If you are serious about reaching your goals and they are important to you, make a plan, take responsibility, and crush them once and for all!

goal setting quote motivation midlife woman

Challenge Yourself

Sometimes we’re not challenged enough with our goals! Maybe the goal you set is seemingly too easy, so your brain tricks you into keeping it from being a priority. Or perhaps you did the “fun” part of accomplishing your goal and it’s the last couple steps that you just “can’t” seem to get done. This is a normal feeling, but it’s one you have to work through if you want to actually accomplish your goals!

So think about it – are you not challenged enough? Or have you challenged yourself to do too much?

What challenges are holding you back from reaching your goals?

Push yourself to step out of your box of what is easy. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill or concept, and reach out to a friend if you need help! You might try a new tactic or mix things up with a change of scenery to help clear your mind so you can focus on your goals. And always – ask the Universe for help! If nothing else, take a shower or go for a walk – the best solutions usually come to us when we are not thinking about them.

Remember your Self Care

When you take care of yourself, you are more apt to be able to handle all areas of your life when challenges arise.

What that means when you are working hard to accomplish your goals is this:

  • Time management includes taking breaks, delegating, staying organized, and stopping to spend time with family.
  • Know your worth.
  • Set boundaries for interruptions and distractions.
  • Clarify your goals. Know what you are striving for.
  • Get out if it is not making you happy.
  • Pick the most important thing to do each day and do it first!
  • Ask for help if you need it.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep.
  • Move your body hourly, even for just one minute.
  • Don’t skip meals; take breaks to fuel your body.

Track your Progress

An effective way to accomplish your goals is to track your progress. Keep track of the baby steps you are taking to get to the finish line. A big goal can seem less overwhelming when you break it down into smaller steps.

Once you have your big goal, brainstorm all the things you need to do to accomplish it. I mean all of the things, from the research to the application. Create a checklist with all of those tasks written down, and work your way through it! Pretty simple, huh? Again, I use Trello or my paper planner.

There are a million ways to do this and many templates for you to use, but one of the purposes behind it is so that you know how close you are to your accomplishment!

Back to my example with my online course. There are two big steps that need to be crossed off the checklist. Figure out all of the integrations and record the bonus module. That does not seem like much, but they are lingering out there for me to finish. My next step has to be to schedule time to work on them and give myself a deadline!

You might also want to add rewards to your checklist to motivate you to keep going!

how to actually accomplish your goals

Be Accountable

Tell someone about your goal. Too often, you might have a goal in mind, but no one else knows about it, so no one cares if you don’t accomplish it. Don’t do that! If you set a goal, it must be important to you. Be accountable to achieve it.

Ways to be accountable for your goals:

  • Tell your partner and ask for them to remind you about it.
  • Find an accountability partner that you can check in with regularly.
  • If you are self-motivated, set strict deadlines.
  • Promise your goal to others by a certain date. You won’t want to disappoint them!
  • Don’t over-commit.
  • Own your mistakes and keep going.
  • Take moments each day to journal your progress.

Get Creative

Whatever goal you are trying to accomplish, remember that it is yours. You have unique skills and abilities that will help you achieve your goal in your own way. Look to others for inspiration, but then get creative with your plan.

  • Will you use a bullet journal or a digital planner?
  • Do you work best in the morning or evening?
  • Will you need to work with someone or work best alone?
  • Do you need to buy a course to help you?
  • What kind of rewards will motivate you?
  • Do you time block or work in 20-minute sprints?

It’s so important to do things in ways that fit your personality and style. And you will know what this is if it is enjoyable to you. That will be how you get the most accomplished.

Related Post: The Benefits of a Simple Planner

I started choosing a word of the year in 2019. That year it was persistence, 2020 was connection, 2021 was discipline, 2022 was accomplish, and 2023 was release. They have all helped get me to where I am today, and now I am ready to accomplish some lingering goals that will open me up for more abundance and joy. I am starting now to create my plan. And if you follow me, you will soon learn if I followed through with my goal!

I hope you join me in using these tips to accomplish your goals too! Someone is waiting for you to be their inspiration!

Your eBook can be found under Personal Development in the Library.