I just finished a certification course for Playing the Matrix with Mike Dooley. One of the lessons he teaches is to have general dreams to allow the Universe room for infinite possibilities to make them come true. The most general desire of all is happiness. If happiness allowed all areas of your life to be as you desire, wouldn’t that always be your end goal? I know that when I’m happy, everything feels good and well. So, to help you get to a place of happiness, too, here are a few tips on how to be happy in life.


15 Tips on How to Be Happy in Life


Stop feeling sorry for yourself!

You are in control of your life. If you do not like where you are at today, go a different direction. Keep looking for and finding things that bring you happiness.

Be grateful

Stop and smell the roses. Take a look at everything you have and everything you have experienced. It is easy to overlook your abundance when you focus on specific things you want in your life. Let go of the specifics and be grateful for all you already have.

Live in the present

Stop worrying about the past; it is over, and whatever happened was meant to happen. Let it go. Stop worrying about the future. What you do at the moment creates the future, so be happy now. The present is all you have and can control.

Learn to let go

Let go of everything that blocks you from living your best life. Pay attention to your guilt, limiting beliefs, comparisons, fear, and attachments, and change those thoughts to something more positive and meaningful in your life.

Read my book, The 5Ls of Living Marvelously, for a whole chapter on letting go.

Do random acts of kindness

It doesn’t take much to be kind to someone else. Just a smile can change someone’s whole day. And smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier.

Exercise and eat well

Even a tiny amount of movement or an extra handful of vegetables in your day can improve your mood. Knowing you are doing something good for your body makes you feel better about yourself, which leads to more happiness. We start beating ourselves up when we know we aren’t taking care of our bodies. Start small and add more exercise and healthy eating options as your can.

Be more social

In a meditation series I listened to with Deepak Chopra, he said, “Through isolation, we wither, but in community, we experience a deep sense of belonging, purpose, and joy.” We are social beings. Reach out, connect to friends and family, and be open to serendipity and random connections.

Write in a journal

Writing in a journal can help you clarify what truly makes you happy. Use it to write down what you are grateful for or write out what a dream day looks like for you. Create a bucket list or steps you can take to start achieving how to be happy in life.

how to be happy in life

Recognize when you are not happy

Sometimes when you are on the path to happiness, you might encounter a few obstacles or challenges. It’s important to feel those feelings and let yourself experience them. Then when you are ready, look back and see if there is anything to learn. What new direction can you take now?

Related Post: Clarity is Power: Be Clear On What Makes You Happy

Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparison is a trap. It takes you away from the beauty of your life and tells you it needs to look like someone else’s. Instead of comparing in a way that makes you feel bad about yourself, you should look at the things you see and do what you can to incorporate them into your own life. When you are happy in your own life, it leaves little room for comparison.

Do the things that bring you joy

The best way to honor your unique skills and abilities and be happy is to find what comes easy to you. When you get lost in joy, what are you doing? Maybe it’s writing, drawing, knitting, walking, speaking, organizing, leading, dealing with details, caring for others, cooking, teaching, etc. Kind of a no-brainer. If you are doing the things you love, you will be happy.

Say yes more

Open yourself up to what the Universe can bring you. To do that, you will need to leave your house and get in front of new people. Try new things, take risks, be curious, and see the beautiful possibilities for a happy life.

Forgive yourself and others

Forgiveness is not about the other person; it’s always about you. When you hold on to grudges or bitterness, you think you are proving a point or getting even or standing up for yourself when the other person may not be affected at all. They may have moved on, and you are the only one still feeling the pain of the past. Free yourself from the other person’s control and learn something from it that can help you in the future. Forgiveness brings you peace to go on with your life, and that brings you closer to happiness.

Indulge in self-care

When you love yourself and take care of yourself, you are more apt to handle all areas of your life when challenges arise. You won’t feel overwhelmed, tired, or defeated. When you feel good about yourself and take the time to treat yourself well, you can’t help but be happy.

Go out in nature

Everything in nature does what it is created to do. No exception. Whenever you can, go out and be a part of the earth. Feel the energy that keeps everything alive. There is no judgment in nature. Feel that and enjoy as much of that peace and connection as you can.

If you like to set goals for yourself or make new year’s resolutions, try something new. Instead of specific goals, be more general and go out into the world and seek it. These 15 tips on how to be happy in life can work with any general goal you have. Life is too short to be anything but happy.



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