It seems a little too simple. That all you have to do is change your thoughts, and you can transform your life. And I can give you all the scientific proof there is, but the real proof is through your own experiences. You have to give it a try. To help you out, I’ll give you a few tips on how to change your thoughts to create your desired reality.

14 Tips on How to Change Your Thoughts

Use Affirmations

Affirmations work, but only if you use them consistently and truly believe them as if they are true. Affirmations are statements that confirm something to be true. When you focus on a particular thought or positive statement over and over, you create new neural pathways in your brain to literally change your mind. When you are aware of repetitive negative thoughts, take a moment to turn that thought into a positive statement and repeat it often. It really is that simple.

Related Posts: 15 Positive Affirmations Plus How to Create Your Own51 Strong Affirmations for Success With Your New GoalsMotivational Quotes, and Affirmations to Help You Make the Most of This Life

Let Go of Mistakes

We all make mistakes, but our mistakes are in the past. You only have this moment to decide that you will move on from your mistake. It no longer serves you; it only helps you know that you will not repeat it. What can you do right now to make amends or get back on the right path? Don’t ruminate on it; let it go.

Learn from Challenges

All challenges in our lives can be lessons. Learn to embrace them and see how they can help you. What can they teach you about moving forward? Did the challenge help you try a different path? When your thoughts about challenges change from a negative thing to something you can learn from, you change the energy into something more positive, and you redirect your life from spiraling into the negative.

Related Post: How Life’s Challenges Can Be a Gift

Be Grateful

Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the easiest ways to change your thoughts. By being grateful, you are thanking the Universe for all the good things in your life. When you focus on the good things and say thank you, the Universe wants to bring more of that to you. In reverse, when you focus on the negative, the Universe thinks you want more of that. Which I’m guessing you don’t.

Honor Your Achievements

Like being grateful, when you congratulate yourself and feel good about your achievements, the Universe wants to bring more of that feeling to you. Let go of the failures, learn from them, and then honor even the smallest achievements towards your desire.

Have Fun

Joy has the highest frequency on the Emotional Scale. When you feel joy, you are attracting more positive energy into your life. And when you are having fun and doing what you love, that is pure joy and happiness. The Universe always wants that for you. So, find fun in all you do. Even if you don’t like your job, find something that you like about it and talk more about it. Always find even the smallest hint of joy.

Related Post: 40 Simple Joys of Everyday Life

Live in the Moment

Take each moment and handle it at the time it happens. Be mindful of what you are doing. When you are living in the moment, you do not need to worry about getting caught up in thoughts of your past or anxiety about your future. Those thoughts are what create stress, anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness. Remember, those attract more of the same.

Help Others

When you help others, you take the focus off of yourself and anything negative that may be going on in your life. Helping others increases your feel-good factor, and just like having fun, it creates positive energy. Not only does it bring more positive energy back to you, but it is also contagious and can transfer to those around you.

Related Post: Notice Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward

Surround Yourself with Positive People

It is much easier to have positive thoughts when you surround yourself with positive people. If your friends are always gossiping or talking about how bad their lives are, they transfer that negativity to you. Either walk away or change the subject. The same goes for negative news, songs, or books. Be aware of what you are bringing into your thoughts.

Pay Attention to Your Emotions

Your emotions are a guidepost to your thoughts and beliefs. If you feel bad, angry, or unworthy, take a moment to uncover your thoughts and beliefs that make you feel that way. Ask yourself if those thoughts or beliefs are true and find a better way to feel about the situation. Check out my post on the Emotional Scale for more on this topic.

Stop People Pleasing

Take time to know what makes you happy and what you desire in life. Do not let other people decide for you. Trying to please others can be exhausting; let them take care of themselves, and you focus on what makes you feel good.

Related Post: 11 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Start Your Morning Right

Did you realize that your energy flows in perfect alignment with your dreams and desires when you are sleeping? Your conscious brain is turned off, and you cannot think about your worries, regrets, fears, or limiting beliefs. So, when you wake up, you are ready to flow through your day energetically! That’s why there is power in your positive thoughts in the morning. Take advantage of that time to set intentions, be grateful, or write in your journal. Allow your thoughts to stay positive as long as possible.

Related Post: The Power of Positive Thoughts in the Morning

Listen to Your Intuition

Intuition is your higher spirit giving you a burst of insight to help guide and direct you through your life. It is the highest form of intelligence because it comes from infinite wisdom that you directly connect to. If you hear yourself saying or thinking negative things, stop, take a few deep breaths, and listen. What do you hear, smell, or see that can redirect those thoughts more positively?

Be Kind to Yourself

The most important thing you can do to change your thoughts to a more positive frequency is to love yourself. To know you are worthy of greatness and to have the confidence to share your God-given gifts. You are a one-of-a-kind, unique individual who is here for a reason. To live your life being happy, having adventures, and allowing the Universe to help along the way.

You have a magic wand, and that is your ability to change your thoughts to create the reality you desire. The proof is in your own experience with it. See what you can do!

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