All of us have limiting beliefs, and we go through life making decisions based on them. When we don’t identify our limiting beliefs, we don’t even realize that there are many other ways to respond to things. We are carrying beliefs that may not be true or valid for us anymore. And we have the power to change those limiting beliefs into something more positive. Options will pop up that were never a possibility before.

Let’s see why identifying your limiting beliefs is necessary and how you can discover them.

As a recap, here are a few examples of limiting beliefs for women in midlife:

  • It’s too late to start over.
  • I’m not good enough.
  • My best years are behind me.
  • I’m too old to learn something new.
  • Other needs are more important than my own.
  • I must look a certain way.
  • I shouldn’t express my opinions.
  • My time for adventure is over.
  • Money is controlled by men. (Ok, maybe that is mine!)

Some of these beliefs may have been passed down from your parents, something you have learned from watching others, or based on the expectations you put upon yourself. But if you look at those examples, isn’t there someone you can recall that makes them not true? There are plenty of women in their 50s and 60s starting new paths in life and having a blast doing it.


Identifying your limiting beliefs is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Self-Awareness: Understanding your limiting beliefs allows you to become more aware of your thought patterns, self-talk, and emotional responses. This self-awareness is the first step toward making positive changes in your life.
  2. Personal Growth: Limiting beliefs often hold you back from reaching your full potential. By identifying and addressing these beliefs, you can break free from self-imposed limitations and work toward personal growth and development.
  3. Improved Decision-Making: Limiting beliefs can influence your choices and actions in subtle ways. When you’re aware of these beliefs, you can make more conscious and informed decisions that align with your true goals and desires.
  4. Increased Confidence: Many limiting beliefs stem from negative self-perceptions. By recognizing and challenging these beliefs, you can build self-confidence and healthier self-esteem.
  5. Better Relationships: Limiting beliefs can affect how you interact with others. By addressing these beliefs, you can improve your communication skills, develop healthier relationships, and avoid projecting your own insecurities onto others.
  6. Overcoming Challenges: When faced with obstacles, limiting beliefs can make you feel helpless or discouraged. By identifying and reframing these beliefs, you can approach challenges with a more positive and resilient mindset.
  7. Achieving Goals: Often, people set goals but struggle to achieve them due to underlying limiting beliefs. Recognizing these beliefs allows you to adjust your goals and create strategies that are more aligned with your capabilities and aspirations.
  8. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Limiting beliefs can contribute to stress and anxiety by fostering negative thinking patterns. By addressing these beliefs, you can reduce unnecessary worry and create a more peaceful mental state.
  9. Positive Mindset Shift: Replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones can lead to a shift in your overall mindset. This shift can foster optimism, creativity, and a sense of possibility.
  10. Enhanced Well-Being: Letting go of limiting beliefs can contribute to your overall well-being by fostering a healthier relationship with yourself and the world around you.


limiting beliefs


Let’s turn the above beliefs into more positive statements:

  • I can embrace new beginnings at any age.
  • I am more than enough just as I am.
  • My best years are yet to come.
  • When I prioritize myself, everyone benefits.
  • I can always evolve and grow.
  • My beauty is defined by my confidence.
  • Learning is a lifelong journey.
  • My voice and opinions have value.
  • I am open to taking risks that align with my goals.
  • There is enough money for everyone, and I am a magnet for wealth.

Just reading those heightens my vibration level!

If you are not sure what limiting beliefs you are hanging on to, pull out your journal, find a quiet place, and take some time to access your inner spirit and answer these questions.


Here are five journal prompts that can assist you in identifying your limiting beliefs:

  1. “Identifying Inner Critic”:  Imagine a scenario where you faced a challenge or setback. Write down the thoughts or self-talk that emerged during that experience. Then, analyze those thoughts and identify any recurring negative patterns or beliefs that might have influenced your response.
  2. “Childhood Influences”: Reflect on your childhood experiences, relationships, and significant events. Write about any messages you received about yourself, your abilities, or the world around you. Explore how these early influences might still be affecting your beliefs and decisions today.
  3. “Fear of Failure or Success”: What fears do you have regarding failure or success? Write about moments in your life when these fears might have held you back. Dig deeper and explore why you might feel undeserving of success or fearful of failure, uncovering any underlying beliefs.
  4. “Comparison and Self-Worth”: Reflect on times when you’ve compared yourself to others and felt inadequate. Journal about the thoughts and emotions that arise in such situations. Explore whether these thoughts are linked to any beliefs about your own worth or capabilities.
  5. “Personal Definitions of Success”: Define what success means to you in different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, and personal growth. Explore whether you have any beliefs about what you are “supposed” to achieve or how you “should” behave. Examine whether these beliefs align with your authentic desires.


Knowing your limiting beliefs empowers you to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It opens the door to personal growth, improved relationships, and a more fulfilling life. By confronting these beliefs, you can break free from their constraints and create a more positive and empowering narrative for yourself.


Sign up for the Marvelous Resource Library, where you can find a PDF of the five journal prompts. It will be under “manifesting.”

Limiting Beliefs