I read an article the other day and saw that drinking red wine and eating dark chocolate are two natural ways to increase your feel-good factor. It was an article on how to increase endorphins in your body to feel a natural high. Well, I was all over that; red wine and dark chocolate are two of my favorite things! So, I kept reading and researching a little more, and I found a few more things that will boost your endorphins. Something we all need to start this new year!

What are endorphins?

One of the easiest-to-understand definitions I found was from the Cambridge Dictionary. Its definition is “a chemical naturally released in the brain to reduce pain that, in large amounts, can make you feel relaxed or full of energy.” Endorphins play an important part in your body’s ability to manage pain and experience pleasure.

I’ve always believed that our bodies have the amazing capability to heal themselves. Finding ways to increase your endorphins is another example of that. Instead of reaching for drugs, alcohol, or other addictive habits, try some of these ideas instead.

How to Increase Endorphins


When you are laughing, it not only increases your endorphins but also makes you forget reasons why you may be feeling bad about yourself. Find a friend that can make you laugh or watch a funny movie. Lately, there have been some great commercials that always bring out a giggle. I’m starting to let that happen instead of holding it in. My mom, Marvel, was always good at making us laugh. Read some examples in this POST.

Be Kind

For a quick boost, do something kind for a stranger. You will not only make yourself feel better; you might make someone else’s day.


Exercise is the most well-known way to release endorphins. But there are a few ways that are better than others. Research suggests that endorphins are released after 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise. And exercising in a group is best. So, put that new gym membership to good use this year!

Create Music

Don’t just listen to music, but sing along, dance, or play an instrument. Better yet, do it with friends.

Eat Spicy Foods

When you bite into spicy foods and get an immediate feeling of pain, your body kicks in the endorphins to reduce pain perception. This one isn’t for me; I’m not eager to experience the pain first, but I know many people who are willing to experience the pain for pleasure after.

how to increase endorphins


According to the same article from Healthline, “Surging endorphins may help explain why sex offers other benefits beyond making you feel good, such as pain relief, reduced stress, and improved self-esteem.”


You know that meditation can calm you and bring you to a place of peace in your mind. Studies have also shown that meditation can cause an increase in endorphins that will allow for an uptick in energy hours later.

Smelling Essential Oils

Especially lavender. Smelling pleasing smells brings pleasure to your life and will increase your endorphins. Think about a time you smelled something pleasing to you. Your whole body felt good.


Writing and speaking affirmations of positive statements about yourself can also make you feel good naturally. The key to affirmations is that you believe in what you are saying. Give it a try. Say to yourself, “I am a beautiful soul with unique gifts to share.” Does it bring calm and peace to your body? If not, repeat it every day until you believe it and can experience the pleasure it brings.

Red Wine and Dark Chocolate

Don’t forget this! But just enough to feel the pleasure and then stop. This one should be used sporadically or with self-control. Once you drink or eat too much, the endorphins stop producing, which kills your natural buzz.

Besides feeling pleasure and reducing pain, there are other benefits to increasing your endorphins.

  • alleviate depression
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • boost self-esteem
  • reduce your weight

No one wants to live their life with pain and bad feelings. As a human, you are naturally drawn to do activities that make you feel good. Endorphins minimize discomfort and pain and maximize pleasure.

As I’ve said before, we are here to live and have an adventure. To do things that make us happy.

So the next time you are feeling down or the year’s chaos becomes too much, try one of these 10 ideas to increase your endorphins. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it!

I’m off to have a glass of red wine and a piece of dark chocolate! What’s your favorite idea?

“When you release endorphins, you just feel good.”— Jesse Metcalfe