I was raised Catholic, so every winter, my mom would bring us to church on Ash Wednesday, and then we would all come up with ideas of what to give up for Lent. A fast from something that has maybe gotten out of control for us.
I love this explanation of fasting from Learn Religions, “Fasting, in general, is a form of self-denial and most often refers to abstention from food. In a spiritual fast, such as during Lent, the purpose is to show restraint and self-control. It is a spiritual discipline intended to allow each person to focus more closely on their relationship with God without the distractions of worldly desires.”
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues for about 40 days until Easter Sunday.
It is meant to be a time to repent your sins and reflect on your relationship with God. And even though I am not a practicing Catholic, I still think fasting during Lent is a beautiful tradition.
Ironically, my mom passed away on an Ash Wednesday, so this time of year usually makes me more contemplative anyway.
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When I was younger, I would give up things like gum, pop, candy, chocolate, or chips. Things that required self-control but were not affecting my life at all. Once Easter came, I would pig out on whatever I gave up. Pretty sure that is not what God had in mind.
So, as an adult, I try to fast from behaviors I want to change instead. Those behaviors can still include food, but the point is to give up or add something to my life that will make me a better person and create some sacrifice. And most of the time, that will also bring me closer to God.
Whatever your spiritual practice is, 40 days of fasting is a great exercise. Think of it as a 30-day challenge, only a little longer and a little more purposeful.
This year, 2023, Lent begins on February 22.
Here are a few ideas of what to give up for Lent
To start, Pope Francis suggested these.
Fast from…
- Hurting words and instead say kind words
- Sadness and be filled with gratitude
- Anger and be filled with patience
- Pessimism and be filled with hope
- Worries and have trust in God
- Complaints and contemplate simplicity
- Pressures and be prayerful
- Bitterness and fill your heart with joy
- Selfishness and be compassionate to others
- Grudges and be reconciled
- Words so you can be silent and listen
I love those! They seem like actions we should be fasting from all year round, but perfect behaviors to contemplate for a short time. You might see how much you are letting those behaviors into your life and decide to change.
Here are a few ideas of what you can do during lent
- Read “A Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. It is a 40-day spiritual journey. I have done this a couple of times and always feel something new and special.
- Only listen to Christian music on the radio.
- Make time for silent prayer each day.
- Read a daily devotional book.
- Stop buying coffee at a coffee shop and put the money aside to give to charity after Easter.
- Volunteer
Here are 12 more ideas of what to give up for Lent
Gossip – when you catch yourself, say something positive instead.
Social Media – use the time to do something creative. Use your God-given talents.
Coffee – drink water or tea instead.
Alcohol – Keep a sound mind and be in control.
Sweets/Sugar – use the time to release some of the toxins from your body.
Fast Food – this was one of my favorites, but because I don’t eat Fast Food much anymore, I’d rather do something more challenging.
Single-Use Plastic – This is brilliant. Do not use plastic bags, utensils, straws, or water bottles. Be sure to have your own bags when you go shopping!
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Online shopping – Make yourself go to an actual store to get what you think you need.
Credit Cards – only use cash!
Meat – not just on Ash Wednesday and Fridays. The whole 40 days.
Checking your phone – Leave your phone in your car when you go out with friends. Or at the very least, do not put it on the table.
Swearing – Every time you catch yourself swearing, put a quarter in a jar and give to charity.
Giving up or sacrificing during Lent is all about being intentional and staying committed. The goal is to experience lasting change that positively impacts you and makes you a better person — during Lent and beyond.
This year I will be practicing a devotional every morning, plus I think I want to give up meat and single-use plastic.
The devotional will be my spiritual practice; the single-use plastic will help the environment, and giving up meat will be a challenge for me and make me a healthier person. You don’t have to do three; just one is fine, or none at all. God will love you either way:)
The 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter are a perfect time to take a break from the excess we allow into our lives. Take the time to renew your spirituality.
What will you do? Let me know in the comments below.
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I would like to try to give up wine for lent. It is such a habit to have a glass of wine late afternoon to dinner time and for socializing. For me, this will be a true challenge, but I want to do this for my heart health, my family and God. That time of day can be used for drinking more water, journaling, walking, painting, and reading spiritual and uplifting material, anything to distract me from the wine and increase my faith and creativity.
That’s beautiful Deb! And 40 days is a great start, see what changes happen and decide then how to move forward!