Getting back into spiritual alignment can be tricky. Maybe you started the year confident in your ability to fulfill your goals…only for things to fall apart and derail you before the end of Month One. Or maybe you’ve spent the last year working to find yourself in spiritual alignment, but now feel off-track once again.

The last few years have been anything but normal. I’m sure when you started the year 2020, you probably had your goals laid out and were excited to tackle the world! I know I did. My goals were to get fit, increase my business, find new connections, and learn how to love my life. I wanted to get in total spiritual alignment with my dreams.

Being aligned means you are authentic, who you were meant to be. When you are aligned and doing what you love, things become easy, and instead of chasing your dreams, your dreams come to you. Spiritual alignment, to me, means matching who you want to be with who you are.

When you are feeling spiritually aligned, happiness is a natural state of mind. And isn’t our ultimate goal to be happy?

Start from where you are today – notice which of these states of alignment are true for you.

Being out of spiritual alignment might look like:

  • Tired
  • Sad
  • Irritable
  • Trying to control everything
  • Noticing your dreams seem so far away
  • Criticizing yourself
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Afraid of what others think of you
  • Looking for the bad instead of the good in life
  • Doing things because you think it is what you are supposed to do

Being spiritually aligned looks like:

  • Feeling optimistic
  • Knowing when it is time to rest
  • You are comfortable in just being you
  • Grateful for what you have
  • Noticing beauty all around you
  • Attracting people that are kind and genuine.
  • People come to you with just what you need.
  • You have the abundance you need
  • Confidence in yourself and what you provide
  • Eating better, wanting to exercise, and doing self-care
  • Great ideas come to you in the shower or on your walks
  • You start seeing the same numbers or hearing the same songs, and you notice how they make you feel
  • You are getting more compliments
  • Words flow in your writing or when you speak
  • You step into the flow of life and accept what you’ve created
  • Confidence in yourself and what you provide
  • You are no longer waiting for life to happen to you; you are creating the life of your dreams.

When you are connected and aligned with your higher self, you can truly live an authentic life filled with happiness, joy, and health.

how to get back into spiritual alignment quote

How do you get back into spiritual alignment?

The first step to getting back into spiritual alignment is to get clarity on what makes you happy and what brings you joy – set goals based on that.

Forget about what didn’t work in the past; focus on what you want today.

Listen to your intuition.

Be of service to others.

Welcome the many insights, gifts, and ideas that come to you.

Have faith in your unique skills, passion, and imagination.

Watch for manifestations. When something good happens in your life, think about what else had to happen in your life to get you there. See that you have been guided all along.

I am going to get back on track. I will pay attention when I am out of alignment and look for the signs that I am in alignment.

Life is too short for anything else. Let’s make the most of this life and find ways to be in alignment no matter what life throws our way.

how to become spiritually aligned

Take Care of Your Body

Recognize that it’s okay to not be perfect, but it’s not okay to try. What does this mean when it comes to taking care of your body? Well you don’t need to eat perfectly every day, but you should try to eat well as often as possible. And you should ALWAYS try to hit your water intake goals every day. Hydration matters when it comes to feeling your best most-aligned self! And of course exercise – even just a few minutes – can be an absolute game changer to getting back into spiritual alignment.

Take care of your mind

Let go of your ego. Your ego is the part of you that is trying too hard to be the best. Comparing and letting others decide what makes you happy and sad. Instead, listen to your soul—the part of you that is your spirit, essence, and authentic self. Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to “stinking thinking” (negative thoughts) as negative self-talk can take you down faster than you might realize.

Along those lines, be mindful of those who are around you. While friendships in midlife can be tricky, it’s important that we create and maintain healthy boundaries. Make sure to love yourself enough to recognize when any toxic individuals need to be removed from your life.

Take care of your spiritual connection

Ask for guidance from your higher spirit by using oracle cards or reading books on the law of attraction and spirituality. You might also give meditation a try or use yoga to learn to focus on your breathing. Be ready to listen to and respect the spiritual guidance you receive. By allowing your guides the opportunity to share their guidance with you, and respecting it, they will continue to share and you will continue to find yourself back in spiritual alignment.