In my first post of this 3-post series, I wrote about facing your fears when pursuing your dreams.  Now that you have that taken care of let’s start making your dreams come true!

Dreams can be wishes for a better life, or they can be hopes for a fun adventure.

If you are dreaming, that usually means you want something more.

It usually means you think there is something more you can do with your life.

It doesn’t have to mean your current life is bad or not enough; you should always find happiness where you are.  But there are so many possibilities for a life of joy and happiness that it would be foolish not to wish for more. You should never stop dreaming of new adventures. You are not here to survive, but to thrive.

“Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize.”


A few of my dreams


What are your dreams?  Do any of these ideas sound familiar?

  • Find a better-paying job
  • Build a new house or buy a lake home
  • Retire early or work from home
  • Go to the Super Bowl
  • Go on a Safari
  • Start your own business
  • Lose weight or get healthy
  • Star in a movie

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

Now you have to make those dreams come true.  The following steps might help:

7 Tips to Make Your Dreams Come True

Visualize Your Dream

Get clear on what you want.  Write them down and create a vision board.  Cut out pictures that match what you want your dream to look like and paste them on a poster board.  Put your board somewhere you will see it every day. Take 5 minutes each day to visualize yourself fulfilling those dreams. See and feel yourself in those moments.

Believe You Can Achieve It

Write it down in your journal every day!  Make it a mantra or affirmation and post it on your mirror or refrigerator.  See yourself living your dream; picture yourself in your new house or at the big game.

Tell Others About Your Dream

As you continually talk about your dreams, you believe in them more.  It also holds you accountable to achieve them, and who knows, you might tell someone who can make them happen! Find a friend with who you can play make-believe. Tell each other all the wonderful things happening in your life as if they were true.

Take Steps to Plan Your Dream

Do your research on what it would take to fulfill your dreams.  Think through all of the details.  Break it down into workable steps and set a timeframe.

Related Post: 18 Easy Tips for Goal Setting to Make Your Life Thrive

Dreams come true

Work Your Plan

It’s time to do the steps you just planned out.  You can’t just talk about it; you have to dive in and do the work.  Chris Widener wrote this equation on  “Your short-term tasks multiplied by your time equal your long-term accomplishments.”

Be Happy Where You Are

When you are happy with your life, you are more productive, creative, energized, charismatic, and influential—great strengths to help you work out your plan.  Don’t wait for your dream to come true to be happy.  Be happy now.

Enjoy the journey, and then bask in your achievement!

Okay, now you know what you need to do to achieve your dream, and you will not let your fears hold you back. Read the next post of this 3-post series on how to use the power of the Universe to help!

What dreams are you ready to make come true?  Let me know in the comments below.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”  Walt Disney