There are many benefits to having an open heart. Things like normalized blood pressure, elevated moods, improved sleep quality, inner peace, calm, and relaxation. But the benefit that I like to share the most is increasing your happiness.

As I wrote in my post, What Does Being Happy Really Mean?, when you are happy, you think your life circumstances are favorable, in harmony, and pleasing to you. Because you need to remember if you are happy, aren’t most things going right in your life? When you have said, “I’m so happy right now,” your mind is only thinking about what is going well in your life. But if you said, “I’m so content,” that has a very different connotation. It screams that things can be better.

With the short amount of time we have to be alive, why not be happy? And one way to increase that happiness is to have an open heart.

What does it mean to have an open heart?

An open heart is expansive, allowing love to flow through and accepting of love from others and yourself.

When you have an open heart, you don’t allow negativity, pressure, or fear to close it. You let those feelings come in and then be released because your heart is only open to love. When you allow those feelings in and hang around, your heart closes, keeping you stuck. An open heart allows the flow of emotions to come and go and only allows those that bring happiness to remain.

There will be times when your heart closes. When you lose a loved one, when you are harmed, or fear takes over. But when you know that your heart is closed, you can better feel into it, learn what you need to, and start working your way back to an open heart.

“A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.” Mother Theresa

How do I know if my heart is closed?


  • judge others and yourself
  • find fault in others and yourself
  • are fearful of showing your true self
  • protect your feelings
  • don’t get too close to people, avoid connection
  • are often angry
  • feel stuck and alone in your pursuits.

In contrast, if your heart is open, you…

  • show affection to others
  • want others to be happy
  • want yourself to be happy
  • are willing to look silly in being your authentic self
  • attract beautiful things into your life
  • can love others unconditionally
  • have a great relationship with yourself.

Before my grandson was born, I felt like I had an open heart because I truly wanted what was best for others, and I looked at the world with eyes on adventure and beauty. But when I am with my grandson, I can feel the difference between what I thought was an open heart and what unconditional love feels like. It’s fun and playful. It’s accepting others with the innocence of a child with absolutely no judgment. Seeing others as spiritual beings having their own human experience and acknowledging that we are all different. Different backgrounds, cultures, ideologies, and feelings. And just like everyone thinks that our experience needs to be protected, so does everyone else. Unconditional love gives others the grace to be who they are.

It is not easy to be so open and accepting of everyone, but there are a few ways to try it.


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    Ways to open your heart.

    Connect with your heart chakra

    Chakras are energy points that control and energize the vital organs of our body, both physical and mental. They are wheels of energy and light. The heart chakra governs our ability to give and receive love from others and ourselves. It is associated with the color green. When your heart is feeling closed off, consider wearing green or keeping green crystals on you. I’ve always loved the color green and feel like it is a good color for my complexion. I will have to dig more green out of my closet!

    Have a neutral mind

    Try to look at people and things without giving them a label right away. Instead of seeing things as good or bad, allow everything to be who and what they are without judgment. Look at other people’s adventures and successes with awe and curiosity instead of jealousy or self-doubt that could happen to you.

    Allow yourself to make mistakes

    Even with people. Instead of letting arguments or disagreements, or misunderstandings fester, get clarification. Release the pressure to be right or angry. It’s like forgiveness. When you forgive, you replace negative emotions with a positive attitude. Forgiving another person does not mean that they are right or excused for their behavior; it means you no longer want to carry the burden. The burden that closes your heart. Sometimes that might mean allowing yourself to be wrong for the sake of your heart and happiness.

    Challenge your beliefs about people

    What blanket statements do you make about groups of people or who you can love? Are they true? Can you see something different? Where did you learn those beliefs, and do you have to believe them anymore?

    Be silly

    Let others see you having fun and not care about what they think. One of the biggest wastes of time is worrying about what other people think of you. If you only knew how little people actually care or think about what you are doing. Most people are just worried about themselves. You tend to curl up and shrink your heart when you don’t allow yourself to be authentic. Stand tall and proud and have fun with your life.

    Give and Receive Well

    Give without expecting anything in return and also receive with thanks and appreciation. Giving and receiving well creates a circle of high vibrational energy that can only bring more happiness your way.

    Breath and Meditate

    Take time during your day to be mindful. Stop and breathe. When you take deep breaths, feel it in your heart and watch it expand in your chest. Spend some time meditating. Meditation is a way of connecting to your source and to the love it always has for you.

    Tell others you love them

    Show and tell your favorite people that you love them. If that feels uncomfortable, write them a letter. Express your feelings of love and let love flow back to you.

    The first step to opening your heart is to be aware of when it is closed. Notice what is triggering it, take what you need from the experience or feeling, and then let it go.

    “An open heart space allows us to be authentically who we are and it allows us to experience the joy of deep connection, of love, and of peace.” Mind Body Green

    That sounds like a pretty good definition of happiness to me.



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