I hear about chakras all the time in my reading and yoga, and Pilates classes, but I never really took the time to understand them. I’m at a point in my life right now where I am tapping into what it means to live in a natural state of higher consciousness, and chakras came up as something I should know more about. So I felt the need to write a guide to your chakras for beginners like me.

Chakras are energy points that control and energize our body’s vital organs, both physical and mental. They are wheels of energy and light.

They are similar to a vortex, which I wrote about when I was in Sedona, Arizona. The problem with learning or teaching about a vortex or chakra is that they are personal. They activate feelings inside you that only you can give meaning to, and no two people will feel the same way.

The first step in knowing whether you are being affected by your chakras for beginners is awareness.

Knowing what each of the chakras might trigger when they are blocked.

If all of your chakras are open, which is their natural state, you would be living your best life. There would be no need to figure out what each of them is doing for you because you are in alignment.

Related Post: Manifest Miracles – Using the Power of the Universe

It’s only if you feel a little out of alignment with living your best life that opening your chakras might be helpful.

7 main chakras start at the base of your spine and travel up the center of your body to the top of your head. Each references a spiritual energy center and organ within the human body.

The goal is to balance all of your chakras to feel your connection to the Universe/God/Source. When you have that connection, your life is aligned, which creates ease and flow.

So, if you are still with me and are into it, let’s learn about chakras from a beginner’s perspective. As you read about each chakra, see if anything pops up as an area that has been bothering you or concerning you. Just play around with the idea of how clearing and balancing your chakras might help.

(I referenced these articles in my research. Mind Body Green and Chakras.)

A Guide to the Chakras for Beginners

Root Chakra

The lowest chakra or energy point sits at the base of our spine in the tailbone area. This is our foundation and anchor. It gives us the feeling of being grounded. It brings us confidence in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet.

The rook chakra is responsible for our basic needs of survival. Food, water, safety, shelter, and support. When this is open, you feel safe and know that you have what you need to survive. Those areas of your life are a given and do not need your concern.

When this chakra is blocked, we can physically feel problems in the colon, with the bladder, elimination, or lower back, leg, or feet issues.

My lower back is often a pain point for me. It’s time to start paying attention to when I’m feeling stress there and work on grounding myself. Know that I am safe and secure.

Sacral Chakra

It helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. Governs creativity and sexual energy. The sacral chakra is responsible for our pleasure.

It is located in the lower abdomen, 2 inches below the navel. It is responsible for our sexual organs, ovaries/testicles, bladder, bowel, and lower intestine.

This energy is spinning when we honor our body, let our creative juices flow, and you are feeling joy!

When this chakra is blocked, we might have addiction issues to people or substances that please us. We may be stuck in a particular mood or have a lack of sexual desire.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. It is responsible for our will, personal power, and self-discipline and feeds our direction in life.

It is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area, and it governs our digestive system, upper back, and upper spine.

When this chakra is blocked, we may have feelings of helplessness or irresponsibility. We do not see the big picture and focus on minute details. We often feel like we don’t have a purpose.

Without sharing too much information, I might see a pattern with my stomach issues and self-doubt. I tend to try to control too much of my life, which may be blocking this chakra. Again, something to pay attention to.

Heart Chakra

This might be the easiest of chakras for beginners to understand. It influences our ability to give and receive love from others and ourselves. The heart chakra is the connection between the bottom 3 and top 3 chakras. It is the integration of earthly matters and spiritual matters.

This chakra governs our heart, lungs, blood, and circulation.

When we are freely loving others and ourselves, our heart chakra is open. When we are unforgiving, jealous, defensive, or holding grudges, we are blocking this chakra. And since the heart chakra is connected to our higher chakras, we are also blocking our connection to our source.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate. It allows us to express ourselves honestly and clearly. It is responsible for our creativity. Turning our imagination into reality.

The throat chakra is obviously located in the throat area and can be where we bottleneck our spirit and energy. We need to allow our true selves out into the world. We have gifts that only we can share, and when we allow the universe to help as well, the possibilities are endless.

When this chakra is blocked, we may be feeling insecure, afraid, or timid. When it is overactive, we may gossip and talk and share too much.

It is associated with our thyroid, which regulates our metabolism. Another indicator that being your authentic self helps with loving your body.

Third Eye Chakra

Our ability to see the big picture and connect to intuition. Often referred to as the Eye of the Soul. This is where “I” no longer exists, and we understand that we are part of a bigger purpose.

It is located on the forehead between the eyes. It regulates our imagination, wisdom, and intuition.

This chakra governs our pituitary gland, pineal gland, skull, eyes, brain, nervous system, and senses.

When the third eye chakra is blocked, we may feel stuck and unable to see past our own problems. There is a lack of clarity in our purpose. We may reject everything spiritual.

Physical problems may include sight issues, trouble sleeping, or having a hard time making decisions.

Crown Chakra

This chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually—our access to higher consciousness. The crown chakra is located at the very top of the head.

This is the ultimate destination. If you can get through and open all of the other chakras, you will reach your highest consciousness and connect with your source.

It allows access to the utmost clarity and enlightened wisdom.

The crown chakra governs the top of the spinal cord, brain stem, pain center, and nerves.

If you are blocked, you may not have an open mind and are critical of universal consciousness. You may be stuck in a material world.

When I talk about manifestation and the universe, I often see eyes rolling and skepticism. But, why not allow yourself to open up to it and see how it makes you feel?

On a side note, I’ll always remember my mom wanting height in her hair. Maybe she was trying to get closer to God!

I’m being led and taught by different people right now, and the information I’m receiving is incredible. So many truths are coming out, and I am letting go of rules and expectations. I’m opening myself up to the possibility of living with joy and happiness as the ultimate goal. Learning about chakras and seeing where I may be blocking my enlightenment is just another step on my journey.

Again, if you are still with me, I wrote another post about how to heal your chakras for beginners.

Until then, be aware of where you may be blocking your energy. Open yourself up to a higher consciousness.

“Trust yourself; you know more than you think you do.” Benjamin Spock

Psst – Here is a Chakras Cheat Sheet! It includes colors, affirmations, and essential oils recommendations.

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