There comes the point in life when you stop and wonder who you are. It often happens in midlife when you realize that many things are changing. Your kids are leading independent lives, your body is creating new curves or pains, your partner might be discovering new hobbies, you have time to do things you couldn’t before, or you are starting to wonder why you are here in the first place. If that is you, it is a good time to sit down and work through these redefine yourself quotes and journal prompts.

Redefining yourself is giving your life new meaning. And why is that important? Because if you don’t know who you are and what you want, you will live in limbo, not knowing which direction to go in. You are responsible for making your life the best it can be, which means knowing what it looks and feels like.

So, let’s get to work!


Redefine Yourself Quotes and Journal Prompts


“Just as established products and brands need updating to stay alive and vibrant, you periodically need to refresh or reinvent yourself.” —Mireille Guiliano

That makes complete sense to me. As part of my Living Marvelously journey, I’ve had to become more open and vulnerable. Something I didn’t have to do when I was raising my kids. I’ve thrown myself into a different world, and staying relevant and successful has taken a lot of refreshing.

Journal – What new path are you trying to walk down? Do you need to learn new skills? Write down all of the ways you may need to reinvent yourself to make your dream come true.


We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options.” —David Suzuki

Those blinders are your limiting beliefs. Those thoughts that keep popping up, telling you that you can’t do something. Your dream will take much longer to realize if you keep limiting how it can happen. It’s time to believe in yourself and your vision for your life. To trust in the Universe to help make it happen. Be open to the infinite possibilities of how your dream can come true.

Journal – Be aware of the negative thoughts that reoccur. Write them down and then think about where they came from. Did something happen, or did someone make you believe it? Does it have to be true anymore? How can you change that thought to something more positive? What possibilities does that open for you?


“I thought, I need to reinvent myself. I want every day of life to be wonderful, fascinating, interesting, and creative. And what am I gonna do to make that happen?” —Karen Allen

I love this redefine yourself quote. My goal is to inspire as many people as possible to LIVE every day. To have adventures and do all of the things that bring you joy. So, if you are not doing that now, it’s time to redefine the part of your life that is holding you back.

Journal – Create a bucket list. What do you want to do or experience before you die? What makes you excited to wake up every morning? How can you reschedule some time so you can check off items on your list?


Check out my Download Your Dream Life eBook if you need help defining what that is.


“It’s never too late—never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.” —Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda is 84 years old and still acting and standing up for what she believes in. There are many examples of people redefining themselves continuously as they age. Your desires will change, and you can change right along with them. No one is promised tomorrow, so start today!

Journal – What are 2 big dreams you want to accomplish in your lifetime? Write down three small things you can do today to move toward those dreams. Then do them. Repeat this exercise every day. Mike Dooley likes to say, do the least sucky thing first. Those will start to motivate you to do the more challenging things. The time to stop pursuing dreams is when you are no longer here on earth.


“The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps.” —Bob Black

To redefine yourself starts with being someone you haven’t been before, which requires imagination. When you start taking baby steps toward your dreams, the Universe starts organizing ways to help. That might lead you down paths that are new to you and outside of your comfort zone. Those are the places where real change can happen.

Journal – Pay attention to signs you receive through intuition, synchronicities, or gut feelings. Write them down. Does fear creep in? What about these new ideas make you afraid? What would happen if you pursued them anyway?


“I’m constantly trying to redefine what being a beauty queen is.” Catriona Gray

Catriona Gray became Miss Universe in 2018. As a beauty queen, she had certain traditions and expectations to uphold, but she still wanted to redefine that and be an ambassador for her country. Each of us is responsible for how we present ourselves to the world. What brings you joy might be different than your neighbor, sister, or co-worker. That’s OK. Life would be awfully boring if we all defined ourselves as the same or wanted the same things.

Journal – What roles do you play in your life? Which ones make you happy, and which ones would you like to change? Take a role you want to change and brainstorm how you can redefine it. How can you let go of the expectations of others in those roles?


“Your power to choose the direction of your life allows you to reinvent yourself, to change your future, and to powerfully influence the rest of creation.” —Stephen Covey

Amen. You have to power to create your life and change your future. Take that responsibility today.

Journal – Pay attention to what causes you to get angry, sad, or frustrated or makes you feel guilty, shame, or fearful. Those are the things you have the power to change by changing your perception. You can either remove them from your life or find ways to be grateful for them. Write those things down and brainstorm how to change how you see them. Your feelings help you understand the vibration of your thoughts. You can change them.


“If you are not where you want to be, do not quit, instead reinvent yourself and change your habits.” —Eric Thomas

If you struggle to live a life you love, discard what you think you know and instead learn what you need to learn. Every single day. Just as this redefine yourself quote says, do not quit. You are here to be happy, do not let your life slip away before that happens. Pay attention to the things you do daily and see how you can tweak them to cause a different outcome.

Journal – Where do you want to be? What will make you happy? Why? Which habits do you need to change to get there? What do you need to learn to make it easier?

Everything starts with knowing where you are going. What dreams and goals are you striving for? Then discover how you can redefine yourself to make them happen. It doesn’t have to be much; most of it is your perception. Be the person you want to be and one that makes you happy!

You can find these redefine yourself quotes and journal prompts in the Marvelous Resource Library. They will be under self-care. Click the button to sign up and get the password!

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