2020 is a year that we will all remember. Mostly for the pandemic, systemic racism, and a historic election. But before this year ends, let’s try to remember and reflect on some of the good that happened. Take out your journal and use these self reflection questions to review this “unprecedented” year.

If you are asking yourself why you would want to do that, here are a couple of reasons:

Remember the highs. It couldn’t have all been bad. You have the power to remember 2020 any way you want. There had to have been something that made you smile, or you learned that helped make your life better.

Reflect on lessons and learn from them. Every challenge or failure has a lesson that is meant to help us moving forward. Pay attention to what you learned and how it can help you in 2021.

Celebrate your achievements. If you found yourself with more time at home, what did you accomplish? If you were working the whole time, plus teaching your kids and taking care of your parents, you deserve a medal and should give yourself one. Celebrate the big and small things that kept you going.

To plan for next year. When you reflect on what you did or did not accomplish, it helps set you up for what you want in 2021.

33 Self Reflection Questions for 2020

Where did you go in January and February before the lockdown?

What milestones did you celebrate in 2020?

What were your goals when the year started?

Did you start any new resolutions? Did they stick?

What vacations did you go on? What did you do this year to give yourself a break?

How did you feel when everything closed? How did it affect you?

What was your favorite thing about staying at home? If you were an essential worker, how did life change for you? What did you miss the most about everything being closed?

Did you discover anything new about yourself this year? For example, – you like to cook, organize, read, be creative, or exercise. Are you a good teacher, or do you suck at technology?

Do you have a favorite Zoom moment?

What is one of the biggest, pleasant surprises from this year?

What new things did you do to get out of the house?

How were you impacted by the systemic racism that reared its ugly head in May? What did you do to educate yourself about it?

Did you tackle any big projects?

What was your favorite Netflix or other subscription TV show you watched?

Did you discover any new podcasts, vlogs, or blogs you enjoyed?

self reflection questions

What was your favorite purchase this year?

Did you try a new social media app? TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, or LinkedIn?

What achievement in 2020 are you most proud of?

Who do you need to thank for helping you through this year?

Did you know anyone in a nursing home? How did that affect you?

Who did you help? Did you volunteer or donate to a new charity?

What new skill did you acquire this year? Did you take any online classes?

How has what you enjoy shifted this year?

Was your business affected by the shutdown? Did you adapt in any way?

How were you affected by the election?

What new connections did you make this year?

How did you improve your health this year? Did you practice self-care, exercise more, eat healthier, or sleep better? If the answer is no, what can you do in 2021 to get back on track?

Life slowed down in 2020; what about that did you like? Will you maintain that in 2021?

How will you describe this year to your future grandchildren?

What do you miss the most about your life before the pandemic?

How have your priorities changed?

I’ve added this list of questions to my Marvelous Resource Library. You will find it under Personal Development. Click here to get the password!

What’s the first thing you will do when the pandemic is over?

What hopes and goals do you have for 2021?

You don’t have to answer all of these questions, just the ones that stand out to you.

Use the time of self-reflection to give your mind perspective. Don’t just write 2020 off as the worst year ever. Appreciate what did happen over the last 365 days. That’s a lot of moments that were given to you to be grateful for, learn from, and reflect on.

When you are done with your self reflection questions for 2020, prepare yourself for 2021!

What do you want to be writing this time next year?

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