The signs of a spiritual awakening aren’t always as clear as we might think! The other day, I found myself looking back at how I started becoming more spiritual and I realized…

It just happened.

I started letting go of pieces of my religious upbringing I no longer felt aligned with and leaned into what I would call my own power.

As someone who offers life and spiritual coaching, I’ve worked with many clients who find themselves struggling on the path toward spiritual awakening. Some were unaware they were on the path at all, while others got lost along the way! That’s why I want to share some of the subtle yet powerful shifts that indicate you are on the path to a higher consciousness and self-realization.

What is Spiritual Awakening?

Before we dive in, I want you to take a moment and think about what spirituality means to you. This journey that you are on is deeply personal and different for everyone. For some, it’s reevaluating their religious beliefs and questioning how those values affect who they are today. For others, it’s making time for meditation and a deeper connection to nature. Whatever your journey looks like to you, it’s an honor that you’re here seeking support to further that adventure.

The Call of Intuition

Have you ever felt a deep yearning for something more in life? A stirring within your soul that whispers of a greater purpose awaiting your discovery? If so, you are almost certainly on the brink of a profound spiritual awakening.

A spiritual awakening often begins with a heightened sense of inner knowing. Trusting your gut, emotions, happiness, and synchronicities is important, as they guide you toward your true purpose and joy.

When you listen to your instincts and your inner voice, you make room for big changes and growth to happen in your life.

You may start to notice:

Increased awareness: You will become more mindful and present in your daily life, noticing details you hadn’t before.

Heightened intuition: Trusting your gut instincts and inner guidance more readily could be a sign of spiritual awakening.

Emotional Shifts: You may experience a range of emotions more intensely as you become more attuned to your inner self and what you may have been holding back.

Seeking Meaning: Feeling a more profound sense of purpose or questioning the meaning of life.

Connection to Nature: Feeling more connected to nature or experiencing moments of awe and wonder in the natural world can be a sign.

Synchronicities: Noticing meaningful coincidences or serendipitous events that align with your inner journey.

Desire for Growth: Feeling drawn to self-improvement, personal development, or spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, or journaling.

Empathy and Compassion: Experience greater compassion towards others and all living beings.

Letting Go: Releasing old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve you. Being willing to say no.

Feeling of Oneness: Experiencing moments of unity or connection with everything around you, a sense of being part of something greater.

stop acting so small. you are the Universe in ecstatic motion - Rumi quote

Cultivating Gratitude and Mindfulness

As your energy shifts and you progress further on your spiritual awakening, you’ll find that practicing gratitude and mindfulness becomes easier and easier. That said, it’s important to cultivate gratitude and mindfulness early on in your journey.

When you practice gratitude and mindfulness, you anchor yourself in the present moment. Spiritual awakening is about embracing the beauty of the now and finding joy in the simplest moments. Being grateful for the blessings in your life can shift your perspective and bring peace and contentment. Mindfulness also allows you to stay present in each moment, fully experiencing the world’s richness and beauty. These practices can help you release negative emotions, cultivate positivity, and open yourself to new spiritual insights.

Reflect and Journal

No matter where you are on your spiritual awakening, it’s important that you take the time for self-reflection. One of my favorite ways to do that is through journaling. Whether you use a blank notebook, the Living Marvelously Journal, or a digital journal, writing out your thoughts and feelings is a big step toward embracing the signs of spiritual awakening.

Writing is not just therapeutic; it will also allow you to track your spiritual progress and gain deeper insights into where this journey leads.

Check out my YouTube video on how to Download Your Dream Life. It has some great tips on using channeled journaling to awaken your dreams.

Your Spiritual Path

As you navigate the signs of spiritual awakening, remember that this journey is uniquely yours.

You can embark on a transformative journey toward higher consciousness by listening to your intuition, embracing change, and cultivating gratitude. Trust in the synchronicities and energy shifts that guide you, and allow yourself to release emotional baggage that no longer serves you.

Embrace the unknown with courage and curiosity because each step brings you closer to your true potential. May you awaken to the infinite possibilities ahead of you on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.