Tell me where you have heard this before.

“I feel so stupid.”

“My butt looks fat, I can’t wear that.”

“I am too big to wear a swimsuit, I’ll just stay home.”

“Money is so hard to come by.”

“I will always be alone.”

“I will never be successful.”

Have you said those things to yourself? Are you even aware of how much you use negative self talk?

Here are a few more negative self talk examples.

“I don’t know what I am doing.”

“He will never love me.”

“My boss thinks I’m an idiot.”

“I will never be as brilliant as her.”

“I wish I looked as good as she did.”

Negative self talk is an inner dialogue you have with yourself that makes you feel inferior and sets limiting beliefs in motion. Every time you talk negatively about yourself, you strengthen your beliefs that you are not good enough.

Negative self talk can stop you cold from ever reaching your goals. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else believe in you? If you don’t love yourself, how can anyone else love you?

Thoughts Become Things

Have you heard the phrase; thoughts become things?

I first heard the phrase from the book, Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley. He says, “The thoughts you think literally become the things and events of your life.”

So, when you are engaging in negative self-talk, you are literally creating that in your life. The Universe takes everything you say literally. There is no judgment, they hear what you say and bring that to you as fast as they can.

When you say, “I feel so stupid”, you are willing yourself to be stupid.

You say, “My boss thinks I’m an idiot”, you are creating that scenario.

When you repeatedly tell yourself you are fat, that is all your body knows how to be.

If you don’t believe me and you think this is a little woo-woo, take a look at your life. What has happened because you believed it could?

Scientifically speaking, quantum physics state that everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy vibrations similar to a radio frequency. When you focus on a particular thought over and over, you create new neuro-pathways in your brain to literally change your mind.

To learn more about this and for help in changing your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, check out my Infinite Possibilities Workshop.

Infinite Possibilities Workshops


Now that you are becoming more aware of your negative self-talk, you can change the thoughts that are not creating what you want.

How to Stop the Negative Self Talk

Always Be Aware

Catch yourself saying negative things about yourself. Even before the words come out of your mouth. Just like Marvel used to tell me, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” That goes for what you say to yourself too.

Give Your Critic a Name

If you catch yourself in negative self-talk, tell the voice to be quiet. In an article titled, “The Toxic Effects of Negative Self Talk” on Very Well Mind, she says, “When you think of your inner critic as a force outside of yourself and even give it a goofy nickname, it’s not only more easy to realize that you don’t have to agree, but it becomes less threatening and easier to see how ridiculous some of your critical thoughts can be.”

Find a Slightly Better Feeling

Before you express your negativity, choose a different perspective. Instead of “I will always be alone”, think something like, “I’ll enjoy my alone time now because I am preparing for someone new in my life.” Or, instead of “Money is so hard to come by”, try “I have enough money today, but I am creating more abundance.”

Think Like A Friend

This is one of my favorites. Would you ever tell your friend that she is fat, ugly, stupid, or an idiot? I hope not, and I also hope that you can appreciate yourself as much as you appreciate your friends.

Say It Out Loud

It is easier to catch yourself when you speak it. But that only applies to when you are thinking thoughts on your own. Don’t say it out loud to others, but when you hear yourself speak the words you are thinking, it is easier to be aware and change them.

When you look in the mirror and are telling yourself negative things, try saying it out loud and then tell your inner critic to go away.

Know the Truth

Remember that you are…

  • one in 7 billion people on this planet
  • unique and have your own skills and beauty
  • loved by God and the Universe exactly as you are
  • able to achieve anything you can dream of
  • always forgiven, even before you ask.
  • And, that there is enough in this world for everyone.

Use Your Affirmations

I wrote a whole post about this which includes a worksheet on how to create your own affirmation based on what you need to hear. When you consistently write and say positive affirmations, it becomes ingrained in your mind and creates new beliefs.

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see my daily affirmations!

Raise your awareness and listen to the way you talk to yourself. Reduce the negativity and believe that you are worthy of anything you wish for.

This is not a new concept, great spiritual teachers have known this for a long time.

Stop the negative self-talk! I’ll leave you with a few quotes to inspire more positivity in your life.

negative self talk

“You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head, be kind to yourself.”

“We are what we think. All that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” Buddha

“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think. To find yourself, think for yourself.” Socrates

“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” Marcus Aurelius

“When you believe, the impossible becomes possible. What you believe will become what is true. Your optimism today will determine your level of success tomorrow.” Jon Gordon

“You’re so busy doubting yourself while other people are intimidated by your potential.”


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