I keep seeing the number 11. Mostly on the clock. I’ll randomly look at what time it is, and the clock will say x:11. I started noticing it more and more. And when I would see 11:11 or 11/11, my heart would beat a little faster.

A few years ago, I looked it up and read that the number 11 signifies that you are moving in the right direction. So, after that, every time I saw it, I would automatically smile, take a big breath and take notice of what was happening in my life. It became a sort of check-in.

When we see numbers or symbols over and over, they can be described as synchronicity signs. Carl Jung coined this phrase. Synchronicities are significant coincidences. Events that are like a nudge from an unseen guiding force.

Whoever you might think that guiding force is, it just feels good to know that we are not alone and do not have to figure everything out ourselves.

I’m a big believer that the Universe speaks to us. That there is a higher power within us that will guide us where we want to go if we let it. I’m always asking God and my angels to lead me and thanking them for where I am today.

That is why it is fun to get little signs that I’m listening, and we are on the right track!

Synchronicity Signs with Marvel

My mom had a few lucky numbers herself. Of course, she mostly used them to gamble, but they would often show up outside her tickets.

One of the numbers was 444. If the family is out together and notice the time 4:44, we stop and say cheers or hello to mom. When my son got married last month, needless to say, I tossed and turned a little the night before. The last time I woke up, it was 4:44 am. I knew mom was telling me that everything would be great, and I slept well for the next couple of hours.

When my mom passed away, we started associating monarch butterflies with her. Whenever we see one, we say hello and thank her for being with us. Late summer in Minnesota brings them out in droves, so Marvel is everywhere!

Have you been noticing synchronicity signs? Do you have any numbers or symbols that keep showing up for you? What meanings or feelings do they bring up?

What Does It Mean When You See Synchronicities?

Synchronicities are special occurrences that go beyond coincidence, revealing hidden meanings and deeper connections between people and the Universe. They can provide insight into our lives and subconsciously guide us to further understand ourselves and the greater mysteries of the Universe.

The meaning of synchronicity is related to meaningful coincidences – occurrences that are too coincidental to be coincidence. They reveal hidden connections between people and the Universe. They can often be seen as signs or messages from the Universe and when interpreted correctly, can offer us invaluable guidance in our lives.

Synchronicity in Numbers

I looked up several references to what numbers mean. They mean something different in just about every site I looked at, but there were some common themes.

Take a look at the numbers that are showing up for you and see if these meanings resonate. The next time you see the number, take note of how you feel at that moment. What thoughts come to mind? Write them down in your journal. Create your own affirmation or mantra to recite when the number comes up and find your own personal meaning.


Originality, leadership, and independence. The number one can signify an opening for something new. Pay attention to what you are dreaming of and act. Number one walks upright with pride and purpose.


Cooperation, partnership, and balance. The number 2 wants you to unite with like minds and cooperate with others. It can be good or bad, harmony or conflict. It can represent duality or split. Number two can be a great partner with the leader in number 1.


The words that come up the most are creativity and good fortune. Three represents the divine principle that underlies life such as mind, body, spirit; birth, life, death; beginning, middle, end; and past, present, and future. Three can be a lucky and powerful number.


Grounded, stable, and present. My favorite description is that four is about building a strong foundation and developing a down to earth perspective. Another meaning I read that correlates with my mom is that it reassures us we are helped in the present moment.


Five is a number of adventure and freedom. It can also indicate a major life change is upon you. I like this number; it is connected to enjoying life and trying new experiences, which I want to do.

Related Post: Manifest Miracles Using the Power of the Universe


Harmony, balance, and truth. Six represents a balance between earth and heaven. Solutions can be revealed to us. Is also associated with caretaking and administering compassion.


The words most associated with seven are magic and luck. It is an extremely positive sign and is also connected to spiritual awakening. When my parents would play slot machines at the casino, their favorite machine was the Triple 7. And, I have to say they were pretty lucky.


Abundance. Eight represents continuation, repetition, and cycles. Your resourcefulness, hard work, and determination will pay off and continue to grow.


Fulfillment or completion. You should recognize your abilities and what you have accomplished and make a positive influence on the world.

Synchronicity with Animals

I looked up a few of the most common animal symbols. Do these meanings help put clarity to why you are seeing them?


Transformation, renewal, playfulness, and finding joy in life.


Lightness, emotional flexibility, transformation, and adaptability.


Being more present, independent, respond quickly, and enjoyment of life.


Wisdom, freedom, vision, strength, and healer.


Strength, confidence, taking action, and leadership.

Other Synchronicity Signs

  • Running into an old friend.
  • Hearing the same song over and over again.
  • Someone shows up to help you with what you need.
  • Your watch stops at a meaningful time.
  • A friend calls you at the same time you were thinking of calling her.
  • You are thinking about buying something, and then out of nowhere, a friend offers you the one she is getting rid of.
  • As I was preparing this post, two friends told me about signs they saw without knowing I was writing about it.

Let these synchronicity signs serve as affirmation or reminders that you are loved and not alone throughout your day. Maybe each time you notice your number or animal, it’s as if someone is giving you a hug or a nod of reassurance that you are going to be OK!

To put meaning to these synchronicity signs, you have to make sure you notice them and take note of how they make you feel. The universe is on your side, and these little nudges are its way of telling you. Be sure to say thank you every once in a while as well.

What other synchronicities do you see? How can you use them to make the most of your life? Comment below!

Synchronicity happens when you align with the flow of the universe rather than insisting the universe flow your way.



Healing with the Angels, Doreen Virtue

Spiritual Meanings of Numbers

Meaning of Numbers

Animal Meanings