Affirmations are a powerful tool that anyone can use to improve their lives and reach their goals. They can be used to change your outlook on life or visualize what it looks like once you have reached your dreams. Affirmations are not just words, they have a deeper meaning and purpose behind them. When you say them over and over again, you literally change the neuropathways in your mind. But when you repeat them, it’s important to also feel the positive energy they provide. With that being said, let me give you some tips on how to write affirmations.

Why Use Affirmations?

I’ve seen the power of affirmations firsthand. A friend of mine is dealing with chronic pain and understandably that can bring her into a pretty negative place to know that you are going to wake up with pain every day. I asked her if I could send her some affirmations to tell herself, she was reluctant, but once we got going, she was the one sending the affirmations to me. The pain is still there, but it’s not the only thing that occupies her mind. She finds other areas of her life to be grateful for and when she starts the day with positive energy, more of that energy is brought to her.

“Generally speaking, affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it. They are also used to help us create the reality we want—often in terms of making (or attracting) wealth, love, beauty, and happiness.” Psychology Today

Our thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions all create our reality, and writing and reciting positive affirmations help keep those thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions in the higher vibration of energy. It’s a law that happens whether you believe it or not, so why not use them?

6 Tips for Writing Effective Affirmations



You must believe your affirmation is possible. You don’t necessarily have to believe it 100% yet, but you at least have to believe it is possible and reasonable.

Example: If “I am a millionaire” doesn’t seem possible (even though it is:), try “I have all the abundance I need.”


Your affirmation must be within the power of your control. Affirmations are what we are telling our own brains to take action on.

Example: Affirming that it won’t rain on your wedding day or that your husband will stop being so critical is ineffective because they’re outside of your control. Instead, affirm that you’ll have a wonderful time at your wedding regardless of the weather. Or, you’ll communicate openly and honestly about how your husband makes you feel.


Write affirmations in the present tense – as if it’s happening now.

Example: Instead of “When I lose 10 pounds I will be happy”, try “I am happy and energetic.”


writing effective affirmations



Keep your affirmations focused on yourself and your identity.

Example: “I am confident speaking in public.”  “I enjoy eating healthy food.” “I am grateful for all of the good that surrounds me.”


Focus on what you DO want, not on what you do NOT want. Avoid words such as “not” and “don’t”.

Example: Instead of “I am not focusing on my pain.” Try “I am radiating health and vitality.”


The key ingredient to effective affirmations is to FEEL IT! The emotional response to your affirmation statement is what allows the brain to create new wires. So, if you are writing or reciting affirmations and they do not bring you a strong, positive, joyful emotional response, keep working it until you do.

Repeat your affirmations consistently. This means repeating them often and over a long period of time. Write them down and post them somewhere visible in your home. Set an alarm to remind you to look at them at specific times of the day. You can also create art pieces of your affirmations and hang them where you can see them!

Once you write your affirmations that feel good to you, can you commit to reviewing or looking at them daily for 30 days?

Try it and see what happens! Be sure to let me know if your life changes.

If you need some help in getting started with writing affirmations, I have a Marvelous Affirmation Bundle for you! Click the image below to sign up!

Free Affirmations

You create the reality of your life. Use these tips for writing affirmations to focus your attention, inspire you and remind you of the beautiful, brilliant, marvelous life that is already yours.

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