Sometimes I wonder if anyone really knows what it feels like to be authentic. So many people are trying to be someone other than themselves. In looks, their careers, their families, and their relationships. We often think we know what other people want us to be, so we do that. But wouldn’t it be great if everyone could just be themselves? Let’s dive into how to be authentic and see if we can experience what that feels like.

The definition of authentic is this – of undisputed origin; genuine.

You have your own intricate human design that is unique to you. You literally cannot be just like anyone else. There are a lot of different personality tests, human design charts, and natural instinct tests that can give you an idea of what comes naturally to you. Those can help you see what should feel easier when making decisions or figuring out your purpose.

But even knowing all of that, you still have to do it! What if it’s different than someone else? What if someone judges me for being authentic?

That’s the beauty of it. You do it anyway because it feels good and right, and you are tired of conforming to what everyone else wants.

Being authentic can feel like a release of pressure. Everything you do will become easier because it comes from your natural instincts and is what you enjoy doing.

When you continually block your authentic self, it can show up in your body as pain or illness. When I was at a spiritual retreat doing some deep work, I woke up with severe pain below my ribs. In the same spot as my Solar Plexus Chakra. The one that is responsible for my personal power and how I assert myself out into the world. These are the exact areas I was trying to work on!

So, of course, when I got home, I started researching how to be authentic. Here is what I found.



How to Be Authentic

Know your values and beliefs and make decisions based on them

Do you know your core values? If you haven’t thought about this before, read this article. Do You Know Your Personal Core Values? Your personal core values are those standards that are at the core of who you are. Values that you deem important and will guide your decisions through life. They are your individual beliefs that you deeply feel.

They keep you in alignment with your spirit. It helps you say no to things that are not aligned. When something doesn’t feel right, check your values. Being authentic means holding true to your values and not changing them because you fear what someone else will think. Maintain your personal power.

Do what you love to do

It seems so simple, but what you love to do is what was given to you when you were born. What could be more authentic than that? Things that are hard or not enjoyable to you go against your grain. Pay attention to the difference in your emotions and feelings in your body when you do something you love and when you do something you don’t love.

Listen to your higher self

Go within if you are at a crossroads and aren’t sure what to do. Ask yourself and your higher spirit. You will be given answers that come from your authentic self. Try automatic writing.

Allow others to work out their own stuff

It can be frustrating when other people tell you how to live your life. It is none of their business. Only you know what you want. The same goes for everyone else. It is not okay for you to tell other people that they should be something other than they actually are. Each of our jobs is to learn and experience what is most authentic to us.

Set boundaries

Boundaries allow you to be your authentic self and not allow others to distract you from it. Walk away from things and people that make you question who you are. Set aside time to work on the things that are most important to you before you help others.

Take time to reflect on who you are

If you feel like you have lost touch with who you are, take the time to do some reflection. Here are some prompts to start with.

  1. Write about a time you felt profoundly at peace or filled with joy.
  2. If you had a day to do anything you wanted, what would you do and why?
  3. What subject could you easily talk about for 30 minutes or more?
  4. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be and why?
  5. What have you been told or learned about yourself that you know to be true?
  6. What have you been told or learned about yourself that you know to be untrue?
  7. Write about something you miss or wish you had more of in your life.
  8. What do you feel you need to let go of in your life.

Trust your intuition

Intuition is your inner voice or gut reaction. It helps you make decisions and direct your behavior. Use your intuition rather than making decisions based on what is popular or socially accepted.

Accept the beautiful and loved person that you are

We are not perfect. In fact, Edith Eger once said, “If you’re perfectionistic, you’re competing with God.”

If you are not accepting yourself, flaws and all, you will continue to do things outside your authenticity. Remember that everyone is different and should be embraced. Focus on accepting yourself as a unique individual, and you will start to make decisions that are in line with that.

Allow others also to be their authentic self

As you are learning how to be authentic, you will want others to honor that. In the same vein, do that for others as well. That means dropping your judgments and criticisms and appreciating everyone’s uniqueness.

“When you are in sync with who you are meant to be, miracles show up. I call them marvelisms.” Oprah

I almost died when I heard Oprah say that in a podcast I was listening to. I call marvelisms the quirky things my mom, Marvel, would do when she was being authentic.

But either way, when you are authentic, you feel free, relaxed, loved, and bursting with energy. Let’s stop wasting time and put into practice how to be authentic today and watch how marvelous life can be!


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A few quotes:

“Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” Harvey Fierstein

“Authenticity: Knowing who you are and being brave enough to live it.” Unknown Author

“What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. There’s a word for it… Authentic.” Brene Brown

“The quality of your life is directly related to the authenticity of the dreams you choose to follow.” Unknown Author

“5 reminders for today: You are enough. Your dreams matter. Miracles are natural. Authenticity is magnetic. You’ve totally got this.” Unknown Author