Do you know what your personal core values are? Do you know why personal core values are important? What would you do with them?

If you said no, it’s time to start living your life by your own personal core values. If you said yes, let’s make sure you are using them to live an authentic life.

The definition of values is this: a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.

So, your personal core values are those standards that are at the core of who you are. Values that you deem important and will guide your decisions through life. They are your individual beliefs that you deeply feel.


Here’s a quick story about how I realized I wasn’t living by my core values.


As I get further along with my business, Living Marvelously, I am starting to differentiate between those things I “have” to do and “want” to do to keep it moving along.

I’m discovering what makes me happy and what makes me feel bad about myself.

Some of those things that make me feel bad are things that industry experts say have to be done to find success.

But here’s the thing, their definition of success and mine are very different things. And I truly believe that if I do things I love, I am on the right path to manifest my dreams. (personal core value?)

I continued to do things that made me feel unworthy or like a failure. Luckily, I snapped out of it and realized there was another path.

So how do I decide what to keep doing and what to trash? First, it depends on my personal core values. Second, it depends on what I think is important.

Authenticity is important to me, so when I post something on social media, I believe it and want to share it. I am not going to post for the sake of posting to get people’s attention. I’ll find another way that feels good to me.

Back to the original questions.


First, do you know what your personal core values are?


Here is a list of words that you can choose from. If you don’t find something you like, try this list of 500 from


personal core values


How to choose your core values.


  1. Before choosing your values, take a few deep breaths and be sure you choose these only for yourself, not because of any expectations or beliefs you may have learned from others. Choose what stands out first.
  2. Think of people you admire. What values do you see in them that you would also like to have?
  3. Observe yourself and what makes you feel good or bad. What is the feeling or emotion that comes up?

Pick 7 or 8 words, then be thoughtful about the 2 or 3 you feel are the most important to you.

You could also choose words that correlate with different areas of your life.

Pick 2 or 3 core values around health, wealth, job, relationship, faith, and family. Then, use the worksheet in the Marvelous Resource Library to record and keep handy.


core value worksheet


Second question, why are personal core values important?


  • They allow you to prioritize what’s important to you. Spend your time and energy on things that nurture your values.
  • Core values can be a touchpoint for making decisions. This is because they are the underlying motivation for how you act and behave.
  • They keep you in alignment with your spirit. It helps you say no to things that are not aligned. When something doesn’t feel right, check your values.
  • Bring clarity of direction. Life presents an endless series of decisions. If you don’t know what values are important to you, you may find yourself off track in your life. Always feeling a little bit out of control.
  • They reflect our sense of right and wrong.
  • Values create a guide for your life. And just like your life changes, personal core values can also change.

Ok, for me right now, my core values are love for everything I do, authenticity, and adventure.


Third question, what would you do with your core values?


  • Write them down in your journal and brainstorm what they mean to you. Then, be clear on why these values are important.
  • Use the words in creating new affirmations, words of the year, or daily intentions.
  • Print them out, hang them in your office, or attach them to your planner.
  • Let your friends and family know what they are.
  • Use them in regular conversations with yourself and others.

So, there you go, now you know what your personal core values are, why they are important and what to do with them.

Just another tool to help you live a marvelous life!


Don’t forget your Core Values Worksheet in the Marvelous Resource Library! You will find it under Personal Development.


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