I have been wanting to start a garden for a long time. I’ve imagined the feeling of digging in the dirt and growing and eating our own vegetables. My sister has been gardening for a long time, and it is so fun to see what she does with all of her plants. The benefits of gardening have been calling me, but it wasn’t until this year when my husband, Dave, had a little time on his hands that we took the plunge. Another dream I am checking off of my list!

Now, as a beginner, I have a ton to learn about gardening and my husband knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep up a large garden. So, when I say “I” or “my garden”, know that it would not be here or possible without my husband. With some extra time on his hands this Spring of 2020, he built this raised garden bed.

Isn’t it beautiful!

He even researched how to plant it. But of course, I thought that looked too hard, so I planted it my own way.


Then came 4 inches of rain, and our container sunk in the mud and broke at the base. Dave spent a lot of time and energy unloading the dirt, rebuilding, filling it back up and then re-planting. Because I already had plans to be at the cabin, he replanted on his own and did it the way he researched. (Another example of how challenges can help us set things right!)

benefits of gardening

Better, right?

And now our garden is thriving! Because it’s a raised garden, I don’t have much weeding to do, but there is a lot to learn about pruning, watering, fertilizing, knowing when to pick the herbs and lettuce, and knowing when the other vegetables are ready. I’m basically starting at Gardening 101. Luckily, I have my sister and Google!

Even though I am at the beginning stages of my first year of gardening, I’m already feeling some benefits and looking forward to more.

Living Marvelously is all about taking baby steps to make the most of this life and to follow your dreams, gardening is one way I am doing that.

8 Benefits of Gardening

Fun Activity to do with your Spouse

My husband is very competitive, so he prefers to do sports with people who are on his same level of ability. I’m working on that, but gardening is an activity that we can both learn together. We enjoy most of the same vegetables and we both get excited to see how much the plants are growing. I can’t wait until we can actually cook a meal together with them!

Builds Self Esteem

Growing plants in a garden allows you to watch the progress every day. You can see the fruits of your labor come to life. It is an accomplishment that you can feel good about. The last time I was at the grocery store going through the produce aisle, I noticed bunches of lettuce and cilantro and I thought, “I have those in my garden!”

Reduces Stress

Working on a garden can reduce stress by allowing you to focus on your plants and take your mind off of other stresses in your life. It can be a form of meditation to focus on how your plants are growing and thriving. Appreciating the beauty of nature and life just doing its thing.

Burn Calories and Increases Hand Dexterity

My eight-foot garden is not exactly creating hard labor, but it is forcing me to get outside every day to check on it and water it. Also, research has shown that working in a garden increases hand strength and dexterity, an important exercise for older adults.

Strengthens your Immune System

Of course, gardening outside in the sunlight boosts your Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health. But according to this article at eartheasy.com, digging in the soil is good too.

The “friendly” soil bacteria Mycobacterium vaccae — common in garden dirt and absorbed by inhalation or ingestion on vegetables — has been found to alleviate symptoms of psoriasis, allergies and asthma: all of which may stem from an out-of-whack immune system.

Community Building

I’m excited to see what comes out of our garden, and what we can do with all of our vegetables. But hopefully if we are successful, we will have more than enough for ourselves. That’s where community comes in. I want to share. I already have more basil, rosemary and cilantro than we will probably ever use. Besides offering to family and friends, I know that food shelves also take extra produce from gardens. What a great way to spread the love.

Learn New Things

Trying and learning new things is an important part of keeping your mind active and challenged. Like I said before, I have a lot to learn and I am looking forward to it. This year we will see how the raised garden goes, but maybe we will expand and try new plants. The opportunities are endless!

Fresh Vegetables to Eat

This has to be my favorite benefit. I’m excited to actually eat what we are growing. Isn’t it crazy to think that when our parents or grandparents were growing up, this is how they got all of their food. We have it so easy these days and a big reason why the obesity rate is so high.

Sidenote: My kids bought me a sign for our garden that says, “Laurie’s Garden”, which Dave was a little confused by because he has done so much work. But I told him it was like naming your boat after your wife! A sign of love. He just rolled his eyes!

Do you have a garden? Are you ready to start one? I’d love to hear your tips or other benefits you have seen. Comment below!

Bringing our dream of a garden to life has been fun so far and I can’t wait to share how we do this first year. I’m sure this list of the benefits of gardening will grow. Stay tuned!

“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.”  May Sarton

If you are ready to check off some dreams in your life, sign up for my next Infinite Possibilities Class and let me help!

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