As I am writing this, I am sitting in a game shop in Hastings, Minnesota drinking a fantastic Chai Latte on a Tuesday afternoon. There are a handful of people here playing games on these beautiful handmade teak tables. Interestingly, I am sitting next to a group of people playing Marvel Champions. Why am I here? Because I am trying something new!

Actually, my dog is trying something new, and I needed to fill some time. He is trying out a new doggie daycare, and instead of driving 30 minutes home, I decided to explore the city. I’ve already shopped at an antique store, a clothing boutique, and a home décor store. Now I am sitting at this game shop writing, and I’m about to do a little reading as well. The conversation around me is fantastic! Everyone here is doing something they love. In fact, everyone I have met today seemed very happy doing what they were doing.

This is definitely a little out of my box, but I’m having a great day. I, too often, stay in my comfort zone, and I love to be alone but trying something new will make my life a lot more fun! And to make the most of our lives, we need to have fun and try new things.

Benefits of Trying Something New

New possibilities for joy

If you don’t try new things, you won’t know what else makes you happy! Doing the same thing over and over again might seem like an enjoyable life to you, but what if you tweaked just one thing, and your life became so much better! When you get out of your house, you will find other happy people, and you will see all the new possibilities for joy!

Forces growth and self-improvement

Trying something new challenges your mind to think differently. It also gives you a spurt of self-confidence because you were bold enough to try or do something, and you now have more experience! The more you know about what you are capable of gives you more empowerment.

This is also true when you read a different genre, talk to someone with a different background, or learn a new skill.

Sparks your courage and diminishes your fears

When you try new things, you might discover you like them. Or not. But you tried, and now you know. Instead of using fear as an excuse to stay stuck in your everyday pattern, challenge yourself to change things up. You never know where it might lead you. We often assume we can’t do something when really, it’s just a self-imposed limitation.

30-day challenges are a great way to try new things. Matt Cutts did a short Ted talk in 2011 and asked the audience to think about something you want to add to your life. Do that for 30 days. Start with something small and then change it up every 30 days to constantly try new things. Be sure you include things that scare you.

You will become a more interesting person

The more you try and do, the more you will have to talk about with other people. How fun would it be to actually have an opinion on the next hot topic at work or a party? Write down stories of your experiences, and maybe you can start a blog or write a book. I love to learn about other people’s experiences, so I know others would love to hear about yours.

Expands your world

Put yourself out there, meet new people, explore new places. That can mean traveling or just learning about different people and cultures. It would be a shame to leave this earth, and all you knew was your tiny piece of the world. There is so much to see and learn.

OK, so now we know why we need to try something new, but what are you going to do?

How to think of new things to try

  • What you are curious about
  • Find out what is trending
  • Do something you are afraid of
  • Revisit old interests
  • Find a new hobby or skill
  • Indulge your imagination – do a brain dump
  • Where do your thoughts drift to when you let your mind wander?
  • Say yes to invitations
  • Initiate outings with friends instead of waiting for invitations
  • Take the yellow pages and randomly flip to a page, visit or learn about one of those places

26 Ideas for Trying Something New

  • Eat a food you have never tried before
  • Read a different genre of book
  • Ask people about themselves – learn something new about a friend’s background
  • Play a new sport
  • Strike up a conversation with a stranger
  • Take a picture every day
  • Play a new board game with your family, maybe Marvel Champions
  • Learn how to say hello in different languages
  • Try meditation
  • Go to a museum
  • Explore a new city
  • Hike at a new state park
  • Grow a garden
  • Leave your phone at home
  • Cook a new recipe
  • Call a friend
  • Learn about a local charity
  • Learn self-defense
  • Watch or run a marathon
  • Learn how to change a tire on a car
  • Watch a different news channel
  • Do something on your bucket list
  • Go to a community education class
  • Teach yourself how to use the Law of Attraction
  • Build something
  • Wake up at 5:00 am

I started this article because I was having so much fun on my day of filling time while my dog was at a new daycare. If I didn’t do that, I would never have experienced that lovely game shop.

Here are a few examples of other people trying something new.

  • My daughter signed up to run a half marathon.
  • A friend took a trip to DC with a friend.
  • My son moved across the country for a job opportunity.
  • Another friend took up knitting

It’s a fun way of making the most of our lives.

Start a list on your phone or in your journal of all the things that come up.

So far, I have plans to take a class to make a chenille blanket, go to a play at a theatre, make holiday planters, and spend a month in Tucson, and I will definitely take another day to explore.

What new things will you try? What are you waiting for?

“You’ll never be bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.” Dr. Suess

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