Living Marvelously
Blog Posts
Welcome to the Living Marvelously blog posts!
My blog posts are broken into four categories. Self Care, Personal Development, Manifesting, and Just For Fun.
Self Care – To make the most of your life, you have to take care of yourself. You need to eat well, exercise, feel good about yourself and treat yourself with love.
Personal Development – I believe that you need to have big goals and dreams and take action to make them come true. To do that, you must uncover your talents, keep learning and discover what makes you happy.
Manifesting – You have the power to create a life you love. With the Universe’s help, daily intentions, affirmations, and beliefs, you can live the life of your dreams.
Just for Fun – Under this category, you will find stories about my mom, Marvel, gift ideas, prayers, essays, fun activities, and other random thoughts that affect our lives.
Take a look around my blog and see how you can live marvelously!
Don’t Forget About My Dad in a Nursing Home
Living Marvelously is all about making the most of the life we have left to live. It is written in memory of my mom, Marvel, who died of cancer at 66, and the lessons I learned from her. But now, I’m focusing on my dad. Last October he moved into a nursing home after...
A Beginner’s Thoughts on the Benefits of Gardening
I have been wanting to start a garden for a long time. I’ve imagined the feeling of digging in the dirt and growing and eating our own vegetables. My sister has been gardening for a long time, and it is so fun to see what she does with all of her plants. The benefits...
7 Characteristics of Your Higher Self
I believe we all have an unconscious part of ourselves that is a part of the Universal Spirit that created time and space. Your higher self is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest energy level possible. It is your connection to infinite...
12 Quotes On Choosing Love When You Don’t Know What Else To Do
As I am writing this, Minneapolis and St. Paul are burning and reeling from the riots brought on by the death of George Floyd. As a 54-year-old white female living in a small town south of the Twin Cities, I struggle to know what I can do. I am so sad that this is...
20 Morning Writing Prompts to Inspire a Great Day
Starting your morning off in a positive way can make all the difference. In fact, I'm of the opinion that utilizing morning writing prompts is one of the best ways to inspire a great day. When I listened to Abraham Hicks last week, and he told me that “You are in pure...
Don’t Forget Why You Celebrate Memorial Day
Memorial Day is coming up, and it will be a day to get out of the house and get together with family and friends. While that is always exciting, most of us take this extra day off for granted. Don’t forget why you celebrate Memorial Day. The meaning of Memorial Day...
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