Living Marvelously
Blog Posts
Welcome to the Living Marvelously blog posts!
My blog posts are broken into four categories. Self Care, Personal Development, Manifesting, and Just For Fun.
Self Care – To make the most of your life, you have to take care of yourself. You need to eat well, exercise, feel good about yourself and treat yourself with love.
Personal Development – I believe that you need to have big goals and dreams and take action to make them come true. To do that, you must uncover your talents, keep learning and discover what makes you happy.
Manifesting – You have the power to create a life you love. With the Universe’s help, daily intentions, affirmations, and beliefs, you can live the life of your dreams.
Just for Fun – Under this category, you will find stories about my mom, Marvel, gift ideas, prayers, essays, fun activities, and other random thoughts that affect our lives.
Take a look around my blog and see how you can live marvelously!
Work Together Quotes and Affirmations to Make Us Stronger
Can't we all just get along? After watching the Democratic debate, the other night, I was pulled to find some work-together quotes, affirmations, and journal prompts that encourage us to get along, understand and love each other. I believe we are so much better when...
Clear Negative Energy from Your Home with Effective Tips
Spring is just around the corner, and it will soon be time to clean out all of the cobwebs and dust that have accumulated in the dark corners all winter. But, while you are at it, don’t forget to clear out all of the negative energy in your home at the same time. Our...
8 Benefits of Curiosity That Don’t Include Being Nosy
I am an inquisitive person. Always asking questions because I want to know more about people and what makes them tick. I also want to know why things are happening or why someone said what they said. I believe the benefits of my curiosity make me a better person. My...
29 Ideas of What to Give Up for Lent – A Beautiful Tradition
I was raised Catholic, so every winter, my mom would bring us to church on Ash Wednesday, and then we would all come up with ideas of what to give up for Lent. A fast from something that has maybe gotten out of control for us. I love this explanation of fasting from...
11 Easy Ways to Make Meaningful Connections and Expand Your Possibilities
Making meaningful connections with new friends or business associates can be difficult. Not the quick saying hello and making small talk kind of connection. I can do that with the best of them. My kids used to get so mad at me for having to acknowledge just about...
10 Ways to Add More Love Into Your Life
Valentine's Day is a day to reach out and tell everyone you love them. We all know we should be doing this every day, but a little reminder once a year doesn’t hurt. But you know what makes it so much easier to remember? When we love ourselves. Add more love into...
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Within this library, you’ll find worksheets, cheat sheets, inspiration, and journal prompts to help you take action and live out the adventure that is this beautiful life. Sign up now to have the password sent directly to your inbox!