One of my favorite ways to use my journal is to manifest my goals through writing. It’s a form of meditation for me. When you manifest through writing, you ask God, the universe, spirit, your angels, or whatever you like to call your higher source to help clarify what you need to achieve your goals. (For purposes of this article, I will be using the universe as my higher source.)

You have probably heard about the power of positive thinking. But did you know there are ways to manifest with writing? I have been inspired and learned so much about myself by writing words I didn’t know were inside me. Often solutions to my problems would spill out on paper.

I start with a little prayer for guidance, and then I write whatever comes into my head.

The poem, A Beautiful Life, came to me during one of these sessions. I often would write about my ideal job, and I am so close to completely manifesting that!

Manifesting through writing in a journal is not for everyone. You can easily get stuck staring at the page in front of you, feeling awkward or scared actually to listen to what is popping up in your head.

Writing is an excellent way to express yourself and share your thoughts. It can also help you improve your life by helping you think through problems, plan for the future, and even change your perspective on things.

But it’s only hard if you let it be. I have found four techniques you can use. Before you begin any of these techniques, take a deep breath and let go of any doubt. Let yourself have a little fun with it!

Manifesting Through Writing


This technique asks you to write a story about yourself at a time in the future. The amount of time is relevant to when you want your goal to manifest.

For me, I might write a story of what my life looks like one year from now as a successful entrepreneur. I will write something like this.

I love life. My days are filled with connections to my readers, and my writing flows easily. I am traveling to Austin with my husband to speak at a women’s conference about the power of living in the moment. I am so excited to meet some new friends and explore a new city. The audience is filled with people who have read my articles on my blog and have similar beliefs. The energy is through the roof!

I could talk about how much money I’m making or how my daughter is helping me, or anything that I’m dreaming of that has been made a reality.

Really get into it and get very specific about how you feel and maybe even right down to what you are wearing, who is with you, what kind of car you are driving, or maybe the weather.

Be sure to dream big. You can never ask for too much; there is enough for everyone!

Then put it away, keep working toward those goals, and believe they will come true.

Download the Marvelous Affirmation Bundle to inspire you to affirm what is coming through in your writing!


A T-chart looks like this.

t chart for manifesting

Choose one of your goals, and under the “you” section, write down everything you can do to make it a reality. Be specific, breaking your goal down into bite-size pieces you can accomplish.

Then in the “universe” column, write down what the universe can do to help you achieve your goals. For example, meeting the right people, finding the money to pay for something, catching a break, having someone see your work or notice you, or having an idea of how to solve that last piece of the puzzle pop into your head.

Then while you are working on your half, trust that the universe is working on theirs.

Morning Pages

Morning pages come from the book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.  If you are trying to find your creative side, she encourages you to write three pages of anything every morning. There is no prompt; start writing.

As Julia describes in her book, morning pages are three pages of longhand writing, strictly stream of consciousness. There is no wrong way to do morning pages. Nothing is too petty, too silly, too stupid, or too weird to be included.

To really get to your still, small voice, you need to do this every day. You need to work through all of the judgment and negativity that will probably pop up first.

The more you write these pages, you will eventually come in contact with unexpected inner power.

Julia says, “It is very difficult to complain about a situation morning after morning, month after month, without being moved to constructive action. The pages lead us out of despair and into undreamed-of solutions.”

Those undreamed-of solutions are what we are looking for when manifesting with writing. Use the pages as a direct line of communication with the universe.

As I wrote in 32 Daily Routine Options for Morning and Evening, I am still working on my morning routine, but I would love to include this. It is so therapeutic and can lead me to answers to how to achieve my goals.

Release Writing

One of the main reasons you have a hard time reaching your goals is that you are hanging on to negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.

I read about release writing in a book called Expectation Hangover by Christine Hassler. This exercise requires a pen, paper, a candle, and a timer.

Sit in a comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted for at least 10 minutes. Light the candle and ask, “May only that which is for my highest good come forward.” Take a moment to breathe and connect to your higher self. Then start writing.

Write down everything that is blocking you from reaching your goals. Vent about the people who are draining your energy, any feelings of insecurity, the hard pieces, or why you tell yourself that your goal can’t be achieved. Keep writing for 10 minutes; if you are in a flow, keep going until your momentum stops.

There are two more steps to this exercise.

  1. Read what you have written and go back and change everything negative into positive. Create new affirmations and beliefs based on what you now know is holding you back.
  2. Take your original writing and rip it up, or burn it to “release” that negative energy from your body. Get rid of it and work on focusing on your new positive beliefs.

Related Post: The Benefits of Journal Writing

You can use these techniques to discover your goals or to find ways to achieve them. Be sure to hang on to your writing to look back and see what you have manifested.

The best part of asking for a little help from your higher source is that you may develop new ideas, discover your real purpose, or find ways to achieve your goals better than you could have imagined yourself!

I hope you try one of these ways to manifest with writing. Have fun, and I wish for your biggest dreams to come true!

“The universe listens and responds to everything you think and feel!” Sarah Prout



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