There are two things I am prone to do when life gets hard. One is to quit, and the other is to try to figure out everything on my own! Neither are good options. But thankfully, I’ve learned a few things lately, and I don’t have to feel stuck very long. I know I can use my own power within to get unstuck in life.

Last week I woke up in a panic and went to my office to start journaling and work it out. I had just paid a ton of money for a group coaching program to jump-start my business. But I woke up thinking, “What the hell am I doing? I’m not qualified to start a business! How do I get out of this?” I was literally crying and feeling like such a fraud. Most of the day was spent wallowing in my self-pity.

Then when I was tired of it, I took a deep breath and remembered these affirmations, “My true self is fearless, capable, and loving” and “I am already perfect and whole. Stop chasing the dream and live it.”

Are you feeling stuck in any area of your life?

Maybe you are…

  • Doubting your ability to excel in your job
  • Wondering if you will ever find someone to share time with
  • Hating yourself or your body
  • Struggling with how to get more money in your bank account
  • Just trying to figure out how to get through today

Along with reading and writing the above affirmations repeatedly, I’ve learned 2 techniques that help me get unstuck in life.

I’m currently reading a book by Gabrielle Bernstein titled “Super Attractor.” A tool she teaches that is very helpful in these situations is “The 3 Step Choose Again Method”.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Notice the thought – When you notice that you are drowning in negativity or self-pity, take a step back and write down how you feel right now.
  2. Forgive the thought – Thank your negative thoughts and feelings for letting you know what you don’t want. Write down, “Thank you for revealing to me what I don’t want so I can clarify what I do want.” Even the most difficult experiences in our life can allow us to grow if we choose to. Look at these experiences as a catalyst for change.
  3. Choose again – Choose to feel better. Answer this question, “What is the best-feeling thought I can find right now?” It doesn’t have to be complete joy; it just has to be better than you are feeling right now. This will instantly put you in a new, higher vibrational state and open yourself up to guidance from the Universe.

Using my situation as an example:

I’m feeling scared and unworthy. In noticing this, I told myself that I am focusing on the past and worrying about the future. I am not in the present moment. It is time to forgive myself for having those thoughts and focus on what this opportunity can bring me. What can I do at this moment to make the most of this training? Maybe that is just starting, brainstorming, or reaching out to the leader and have a conversation.

Does that make sense?

Can you apply it to something you are feeling? Do you see how this uses your own power within to get unstuck in life? You took yourself from feeling bad to feeling better.

It is a simple process, and it all just starts with being aware of your feelings. This leads me to my next technique!

how to get unstuck in life

I recently finished another 21 Day Meditation with the Chopra Center. This one was entitled “The Path to Empowerment.”

Deepak explains throughout the 21 days how we all have the full power of the Universe inside us. We need to choose to accept it. When you want to get unstuck in life, call on your own power to help you out using this method.

4 Aspects of Total Empowerment

Be Aware – Be aware of what’s happening. Like the 3 Step Choose Again Method, you can only change what you are aware of, so notice what you are thinking and feeling.

Direct Your Attention – Take those feelings and thoughts and focus them in a different direction. What are you learning, and what can you do next? One way to do this is by letting the creative flow of consciousness find a direction. Meditate or journal and just let new thoughts pop in your head. What are you trying to achieve?

Align with the Path of Least Effort – This is the most efficient path to a goal. Supported by nature, do what feels natural. If you are struggling, take that as a cue to try a different way. When we are doing what we love, it becomes easier. Find that path.

Allow the Universe to Help – No interfering. Detach yourself from the outcome and let the best path unfold on its own. Do not try to micromanage all of the details; trust your power within.

That process seems hard. How can you just let go? But once you do it and see how easy it is to manifest your goals, you’ll wonder what took you so long.

Here are a few more things I learned about empowerment:

True power is the unbounded creative nurturing force of nature that expresses itself through our innermost awareness – our empowered self.

We all have the full power of the Universe.

We need to redefine power as love, generosity, service, compassion, imagination, creativity, and personal charm.

Power is not fighting for or against something. It is not judging something as good or bad. Power is recognizing something for what it is and moving on. Anything is within my power to change.

Our true nature is unlimited present awareness.

The focus of power should be fulfillment, and every moment is an open door to fulfillment.

Stop struggling, come back to a state of being. Reconnect with yourself.

Form bonds with people who reflect who you want to be.

Wholeness is all-powerful. Conscious = being aware, and present = wholeness.  We have the power to do anything in wholeness.

The final strategy to help you get unstuck in life

Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. Ideally, this person will be on the same path to empowerment or enlightenment as you are. When you speak out loud about how you feel, you will soon discover that you are not alone. You don’t have to feel ashamed or stuck for long. We are all on this journey together and here to help each other thrive. Once you get unstuck in life, help someone else get unstuck as well!

Move on to a better feeling using your own inner power. It’s that easy.

Today I am focusing on what I can offer today and using my program’s knowledge and resources to help me align with my path.

What can you do today to get unstuck? Let me know in the comments below!

“When you realize wholeness is what you are, fear and doubt dissolve like mist in the sun, and your true radiance and joy shine forth.” Deepak Chopra

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