I know you know what the Universal Law of Attraction is, and you know that it is always working whether you believe it or not. But did you know that there are 7 laws of attraction that explain it further? I didn’t until recently.

As a reminder, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into your life whatever you’re focusing on. Your positive and negative thoughts will bring positive and negative things into your world.

What you think about you attract into your life. Sometimes it’s hard to grasp all of the control we actually have to create our lives. It’s easier to pretend we don’t know so that we don’t have to take responsibility. But once you are aware of how your thoughts, beliefs, and words create your reality, there is no one else to blame. And once you know that, you will manifest your desires faster.

You might be thinking, “I think about having money all the time, but I still don’t have it.” That might mean your thoughts are centered around the lack you have right now, and you continue to have lack. Instead, you have to believe you already have money and take baby steps in that direction.

I found these 7 sub laws of the Law of Attraction that might help you understand it better.

The 7 Laws of Attraction

The Law of Manifestation

We are always manifesting. As Mike Dooley says, “thoughts become things.” What you think every day will manifest in your life.

For a simple example, if you wake up in the morning excited about the day and thanking the Universe for another day to do what you love, you will likely have a good day. If you wake up in the morning grumpy about having to go to work, worried about everything you have to do, still mad at your partner about something that happened last night, you will most likely have a bad day. When you do have bad days, think back to what you were thinking most of the day to prove this point.

Sometimes the Law of Attraction is considered this one subset, but there’s more.

The Law of Magnetism

Everything in this world is energy. Whatever energy frequency you are sending out is what is being drawn back to you like a magnet.

I wrote an article on The Emotional Guidance Scale as explained by Abraham Hicks in the book Ask, and It Is Given. At the top end of the scale are the emotions joy, love, positive expectations, passion, and appreciation. When you feel those feelings and are at that level of energetic frequency, you are attracting more of that back to you.

Suppose you are hanging out on the bottom half of the scale feeling emotions like fear, jealousy, unworthiness, guilt, or anger. You are attracting that type of energetic frequency back to you. The goal is to work your way up the scale to find the emotional alignment you want to be in.

The Law of Unwavering Desire

Put a laser-like focus on what you want. Let go of all of the doubts, insecurities, and feelings of unworthiness. Leave the things you don’t want behind you. This doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind or change course but focus on your goal and assume it is coming true or is already true. The Universe doesn’t judge; they will give you what you desire and think about whether it is what you truly want or not. So, please don’t give them the wrong idea!

The Law of Delicate Balance

The delicate balance here is knowing that you want more in your life but at the same time being grateful and appreciative for what you already have.

This Law is why many coaches and teachers will tell you to keep a gratitude journal. When you write down three things you are grateful for every day, you express to the Universe feelings of appreciation, joy, and love. Those feelings at the top of the Emotional Scale magnetically bring more of that back to you.

Right after you write down what you are grateful for, write down your daily affirmations. Those statements affirm what you want as if you already have it.

That’s the delicate balance.

The Law of Harmony

Being in a state of flow or alignment with the Universe will guide you to what you most desire.

In my article, It’s Time to Get Back into Spiritual Alignment, I wrote, “Being aligned means you are authentic, who you were meant to be. When you are aligned and doing what you love, things become easy, and instead of chasing your dreams, your dreams come to you. Alignment to me means matching who you want to be with who you are.”

You can probably see by now how all of these 7 laws of attraction work together to create the Universal Law of Attraction.  Here are a few ways to get into spiritual alignment. (You will find more in the other article.)

  • Get clarity on what makes you happy and what brings you joy—set goals based on that.
  • Ask for guidance from your higher spirit.
  • Let go of your ego. Your ego is the part of you that is trying too hard to be the best. Comparing and letting others decide what makes you happy and sad. Instead, listen to your soul—the part of you that is your spirit, essence, and authentic self.
  • Be of service to others.

The Law of Right Action

This is the first law that talks about action. It’s not all about what you are thinking and feeling; you actually have to take some action.

Have you heard of Karma? It’s the spiritual law of cause and effect. When you are doing kind things for others, you will get kindness back. When you are taking baby steps towards your dreams and desires, the Universe will notice that and start acting on your behalf as well.

On the opposite side of that, if you are talking badly about others and feeling jealous of what they have, you will get that kind of energy sent back to you. If you feel bad about yourself and walk around with feelings of failure, you are not allowing any positive energy to find you.

This is where that awareness of your power is key. Open yourself up to positive energy finding you.

The Law of Influence

This one reminds me of the pay it forward philosophy and the power of prayer. When your vibrational energy is positive, joyful, and loving, that impacts everyone around you. And when there is a group of people sending out that same energy, think of the impact it can have.

There are so many examples of this, but one that comes to mind is the state of our government leaders. Too many of them are sending out the energy of comparison, anger, jealousy, righteousness, etc., and it is having a major impact on everyone. This includes some of the news channels and why it is good to turn them off once in a while.

Have you ever walked in a room and could feel either the positive or negative energy in it? That’s the law of influence. Wouldn’t you rather be in the company of positive energy? You have the power to change your energy and do that.

I hope these 7 laws of attraction help explain the Law of Attraction a little better and how you can control what energy you are bringing to the world and your own life to manifest your dreams faster.

And just like Maya Angelou said, “when we know better, we do better.”

Now you have no excuse but to live the life you desire. Enjoy!

If you want to learn more about the other Laws of the Universe, check out this book written by my sister Deb.

Your Most Amazing Journey: Five Power Principles Based on Universal Laws to Transform Your Life

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