Gratitude gets a bad rap. When someone tells you, “You should be grateful” or “Just be grateful for what you have”, it sounds like a cop out. Lots of people teach you to keep a gratitude journal and to just write what you are grateful for. But that can feel empty.

You may have tried a gratitude journal and then quit because it didn’t seem to work. But, if you are truly grateful and appreciative of what you have, it can change your life.

It just seems too easy and “woo woo” to be real.

I challenge you to refresh your practice and give it a try.

Grab some paper and pen and write down three things you are grateful for.  Here are some examples.

  • The friend who called me last week.
  • My morning walk.
  • Visit with my parents, kids, friends, neighbors, etc.
  • The person who smiled at me.
  • Time to relax.
  • The beautiful weather.
  • Feeling strong.
  • A book that I loved.
  • The podcast that said exactly what I needed to hear.
  • The mess my kids made reminding me that they are still here.
  • A challenge that taught me a lesson.
  • Breathing.
  • Companionship with my pets.
  • A garden full of fresh vegetables
  • Etc., etc., etc.….

How do you feel?

Are you calmer? Are you thinking of a lot more things you are grateful for? Do you feel a little better about your life?

“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” — Anonymous

How Does Gratitude Work

A friend of mine, Elaine O’Keefe, teaches a class on Everyday Gratitude. Here is what she says about practicing gratitude.

“Gratitude can help us experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more kindness and greater compassion, increase resiliency in the face of health or life challenges, and even strengthen our immune systems.”

According to Psychology Today, “Psychologists find that, over time, feeling grateful boosts happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health, even among those already struggling with mental health problems. Studies show that practicing gratitude curbs the use of words expressing negative emotions and shifts inner attention away from such negative emotions as resentment and envy, minimizing the possibility of ruminating, which is a hallmark of depression.”

I could find a lot more articles on gratitude because it is proven to make you feel better about your life.

But here’s the thing, it won’t work if you don’t believe it will. You have to believe that feeling grateful for all you have will bring more to be grateful for. Then you have to witness and experience it. That’s how your life changes.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. Gratitude turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”— Melody Beattie

If writing a gratitude journal isn’t enough for you or you get stuck on new ideas, try some gratitude journal prompts.


20 Gratitude Journal Prompts

What was your favorite moment today?

How did someone else make you smile today?

Who is your favorite person? Why?

Why do you love your work?

Related Post: 16 Thoughtful Journal Prompts for Self Reflection

What part of your house makes you feel the most comfortable?

How do you express your creativity?

What part of your body do you love?

What do you have lots of knowledge around and could teach to others?

One of the best experiences of my life was…

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”— Robert Brault

I can’t wait to wake up and do…

My community is great because…

What is the best thing your parents taught you?

My favorite possession is…

What did you watch recently that made you laugh?

How did nature surprise you recently?

Related Post: 20 Journal Prompts That Will Help You Activate Your Goals

What is your favorite meal? When was the last time you ate it?

My favorite quote is ___ and what it means to me.

What is your favorite outfit and the best place you were able to wear it?

The last email you got that made you happy.

What is your favorite way to relax?

We often fail to see the goodness around us but being grateful can help us notice it. Eventually, knowing that there is always something to be thankful for will keep you on the lookout for what makes you happy and appreciative which is a great way to go about life.

And while you are on the lookout, the Universe is hearing you and bringing you more to be thankful for.

“Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.”— Deepak Chopra

It may seem too easy, but once you start doing gratitude journals and journal prompts, you will notice a difference in your life.

Start today!

For 52 weeks of journal prompts and more ways to start a journal practice, check out my Living Marvelously Journal. It can truly change your life.


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