You know I love writing in a journal, and I believe everyone else should too! There are so many benefits to putting your thoughts on paper. So, to give you another little nudge to start writing, I’ve created this 30 Day Journal Challenge.

This challenge will include journal prompts, creative writing, introspection, and lists.

If you don’t already have a sacred space for yourself, find a chair or spot in your home to designate as your journal area. Make it inviting so that you want to use it every day.

Discover what types of writing you enjoy the most. Then make it a practice. You will be amazed at how it can open up so many ideas, desires, and possibilities for your life.

The purpose of journal prompts is to get you thinking and let your mind wander wherever it wants to go. Open your mind to allow your higher spirit to download as well.

30 Day Journal Challenge

Think of a turning point in your life. How would you describe it now? What did you learn?

Take a walk outside, and then write down everything you remember—the sights, smells, temperature, thoughts that popped in your head, etc.

Finish this sentence in 25 different ways. Wouldn’t it be cool if…?

Write a poem about your feelings today.

Journal Challenge

Think of a person you are very close to. Describe them in 50 words.

Visualize yourself five years from now. What does your ultimate life look like? What steps can you take now to make that happen?

Make a list of all of the gifts you would like to receive.

The sky is the limit; what would you have to eat today?

“Writing is the painting of the voice.” Voltaire

What is your greatest accomplishment? How can you top that?

If you could hang out with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be? What would you do?

What do you think needs improvement in your life? Think of ways you can start that improvement today.

Click here to download a PDF of this challenge!

30 day journal challenge

What’s a secret you have kept? Is it time to tell someone? How does it affect your life?

What has 2020 taught you? List the best and worst memories so far.

What does happiness look like in your life?

Say this prayer, and then write for 10 minutes. “Spirit, take my hand. I am ready and willing to speak with you today. Thank you in advance for your words, wisdom, guidance, and grace. What shall we write today?”

Write a letter to your younger self. What do you wish you had known?

“Sometimes only paper will listen to you.”

Who is your favorite celebrity? Write a narrative of a conversation you would like to have with them.

Write a short story about your favorite memory.

If you could go anywhere for 2 weeks, where would you go? Who with? What would you do?

What is the first thing you would do or buy if you won the lottery?

Journal Challenge

Find a quote you love and write it down five times. Maybe create some art around it and put it up on your wall! Try some of these visual journaling ideas!

What is the best piece of advice you have received?

Write about your dream career if money wasn’t an issue.

“A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.” Susan Sontag

Do you have a recurring dream? Write it out and explain what you think it means.

Brain dump time! Write down everything you are thinking about—all of the to-dos, ideas, or dreams that are swimming around in your mind.

Make a list of everything you love about yourself. Don’t skip this! Think of at least 5.

What is your most embarrassing memory? Make it a funny story to tell your grandchildren someday.

Write a letter to someone who wronged you but whom you want to forgive. Remember, it won’t get mailed (unless you want to), so let it out!

What do you want people to remember about you when you die?

There you go! A 30-day journal challenge to get you into the practice of writing every day.

When you sit down to write, your thoughts and imagination may surprise you!

“Because when I write, it is more than just me at a keyboard. It’s the Universe converging within the pandemonium of my mind and turning it into something beautiful.” Lyndsey Evenstar

More Journal Prompts:

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Journal Prompts to Help you Find Focus

20 Morning Writing Prompts

Journal Prompts for Self Reflection

More Monthly Challenges:

15 Monthly Challenges

30 Monthly Challenge Ideas Focused on Joy

25 Day Positivity Challenge