Often when I am speaking to a group about writing down the dreams and goals they have for their life, someone will say that they don’t have any goals. And my response is always that they should create some. When you go through life without goals or dreams, you are allowing life to just happen to you. By having a list of goals to set for yourself, you take control and decide how you want to create your reality.

Why would you let someone else decide what you should do?

Setting goals and starting to take baby steps to achieve them sets you in motion and puts you out into the world so that the Universe can help guide you.

You can be content with your life and be quite happy with where it is at, but life is about having adventures and living it. Don’t limit yourself to such a small piece of this big, brilliant, beautiful world. 

Let me give you a few examples of creative, yet practical goals you can set and use them to create a list that makes sense to you.

List of Goals to Set for Yourself


Learn something new every day/week.

If you learn something new every day, that might mean reading from a personal development book or seeking out little tidbits of information through conversations with people or on the news. Learning something new every week might be a bigger goal that coincides with an even bigger goal of writing a book, traveling, getting a promotion, or investing money.

Notice and avoid negative/toxic people.

You will know when you are around negative/toxic people because you will feel it. Often, we tend to become “smaller” to avoid looking like we agree with them or to avoid having to join the conversation. It sets you back and you have to crawl back up to positivity before you can proceed with your goals.

Be open to infinite possibilities.

Our little brains cannot possibly hold all of the information or possibilities for how our dreams can come true. Learn how to notice when the Universe is guiding you or dropping hints at how you can achieve your goal. Keep your mind open and see the many possibilities.

Create new healthy habits.

Is there something you know you should be doing but you can’t quite get yourself to do it consistently? Maybe it’s eating vegetables, exercising every morning, flossing your teeth, putting a little money from your paycheck into savings, or limiting your social media time.

Related Post – 7 Effective Ways to Break Bad Habits

Let go of grudges.

Free yourself from the control of the other person, and learn something from it that can help you in the future. Forgiveness brings you peace to go on with your life. Forgiveness is not about the other person; it’s always about you. When you hold on to grudges or bitterness, you think you are proving a point or getting even or standing up for yourself when the other person may not be affected at all. They may have moved on, and you are the only one still feeling the pain of the past. 

Learn how to cope with stress.

Reduce needless pressure.  Identify your sources of stress and do what you can to minimize their influence. Most of your stress is self-induced, by thinking someone else has the power over you. When you realize the power you have to create your life, you can avoid the things that cause you stress. If this is one of your new goals, check out this article first. 16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

Learn a new skill.

This is where you can have a little fun with your list of goals to set for yourself. What natural skill do you have that you want to enhance and maybe share with others? What new skill have you always wanted to learn?

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Hiking
  • Running
  • Gardening
  • Speed Reading
  • Learn a new language
  • Piano
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Woodworking
  • Knitting/Crocheting
  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Writing
  • Handyman skills
  • Car Repairs
  • Organization
  • Cooking
  • Interior Design
  • Yoga/Pilates/TaiChi
  • Start a fire
  • Sewing
  • First Aid
  • Speaking/Communication
  • Meditation

This list can go on and on, what inspires you from it?

Improve personal relationships.

What do you need to change in yourself to make your relationships better? Remember, you cannot change someone else, so if you want to improve the relationship, it starts with what you are giving to it. Make it a goal to be the person you want your partner, co-worker, boss, child, sibling, or friend to be to you.

Take care of your mind and body.

You are the only person you can change. If there is any way you would like to feel better, make it a goal to do so. Start small and create healthy habits that will become a lifestyle.

  • Walk 30 minutes a day.
  • Read every day.
  • Eat fruit and vegetables every day.
  • Help others.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Write in your journal.
  • Venture out of your comfort zone.
  • Be grateful.

Create an open space for growth.

I just got off a call with my health coach and she said this to me. I had to include it on this list. Set a goal to release the past and change the narrative for the future. That might look like releasing the need to live up to others’ expectations and start fresh. Or, releasing the thought that the things you have done in the past don’t work and starting with new ideas. Every moment is an opportunity to start fresh. What goal can set you in an open space for growth?

Now that you have read this list, take some time to visualize your dream life. What shows up when you visualize your happy life in the future? Who are you with? What are you doing? Where are you? What do you look like?

Now, create your list of goals and start being intentional with your life to achieve them. You are here to live, love, and experience all that you can.

If you still need some help visualizing your dream life, check out Download Your Dream Life eBook. 



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