Do you often find yourself feeling unsatisfied with your life like there must be something more? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel stuck in a life that doesn’t align with their true desires. But the good news is that you don’t have to stay there. With these three simple steps, you can start to live the life you want. Let’s figure out what truly matters to you, eliminate what doesn’t, and nail down your end game. Plus, I’ll share a bonus tip on how to find your confidence. Are you ready to start living the life you truly want? Let’s dive in!


Step #1: Identify What Truly Matters to You

Often when you feel like you are stuck or not sure of your purpose, it’s because you don’t know what you actually want. You keep seeing other people happy and think you must need that in order for you to be happy. Let’s step back a moment and see if this is actually true.

When I started my blog 5 years ago, I thought that was my ticket to creating the life that I was craving. I took every course I could to learn everything about blogging and how I was going to make my fortune. I watched other bloggers quickly create money-making blogs and thought, what am I doing wrong?

But you know what? That was not what I was meant to be doing because it was not what was going to make me happy. Sure, I love writing and I won’t stop, but all of the things that go along with it were not what I wanted. So, I have been learning other things and trying other things, and paying attention to what works and what helps me live the life I want.

Are you paying attention?


What do you do that makes you feel satisfied, successful, excited, or amazed? Pay attention and keep track. How can you incorporate those things into your daily life?

Take some time to reflect on your values and priorities. What are your passions and interests? What brings you the most joy and sense of purpose?

Once you’ve identified what truly matters to you, it’s time to start eliminating what doesn’t.


Step #2: Eliminate What Doesn’t Matter

Oftentimes, we hold onto things out of habit or fear of change, but removing what no longer serves us is necessary to make room for what does. This can look like getting rid of physical possessions that no longer bring us joy, setting boundaries with toxic relationships, or even reevaluating our career paths. It’s important to reflect on what is taking up space in our lives without adding value and be intentional about what we allow in.

The things we surround ourselves with and spend our time on greatly impact our overall happiness and fulfillment. I was spending too much time posting to all of the social media channels, writing just for the sake of getting another blog post published, and constantly watching the numbers wondering why they weren’t going up as much as I expected. It all left me feeling frustrated, less than, and doubtful I could be a success. Letting that go, opens up room for me to play and find other avenues.

What in your life makes you feel unworthy, frustrated, or bitter? Could that be a sign that it is not what you are supposed to be doing or letting into your life?

It’s so important to be intentional about what we allow into our lives. And our souls and the Universe will keep giving us signs when we insist on continuing down those same, not important, paths.

Once you’ve let go of what no longer serves you, let’s figure out where you want to go to live the life you want.


Step #3: Know your destination

Without knowing where you are going, you will never find it.

The third step in creating the life you want is to define the destination that will create the life you want to live.

As part of my Infinite Possibilities Certification, Mike Dooley taught me the GPS analogy. In short, when you use your GPS to navigate to a new location, the first thing you do is put in the final destination. Then the GPS creates a route that is the quickest and fastest way and will bypass the obstacles. You then have to put the car in drive (action) and listen to the GPS. If you are like my husband, sometimes you will think you know better and take a different way, but what does the GPS do? It recalculates. Now you have a new path to the final destination. And, how do you know when the GPS was correct? When you reach the final destination.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the GPS is your higher spirit or the Universe and your final destination is the life you want to live.

Your job is to take action steps towards your destination. Follow what feels good and aligned. When you start to feel off, pay attention again. Be aware of when you want to quit, because the final destination might be just around the corner.

A longer explanation of the GPS analogy

Here’s a video from my course Creating Infinite Possibilities for Abundance. The GPS analogy starts at minute 1:33.


Back to my example. When I started my blog I was looking for something to do that I enjoyed and that would provide fulfillment and purpose. But the destination I put in my GPS was to make money on my blog instead of the real destination of feeling fulfillment and purpose doing what I love. Then I got frustrated because my blog wasn’t providing that, but that was only a small piece of my final goal. As I look back at all of the things I have done since I started my blog, it was all leading me to today.

I recently designed a new vision board, and when I looked at what I created, I realized I have reached my destination. I love my life and I’m doing things that bring me fulfillment and purpose. Now I either create a new destination that includes more abundance or simply enjoy my life and allow more joy to come in! This cycle never needs to end.

Can you think big picture of how you truly want to live your life? Is it the little things you think you need or can you open yourself up to new possibilities?


Bonus Tip: Find Your Confidence

Your dreams are important. Whatever you dream of, you are meant to have. You have been given everything you need to create and live the life you want.

Do you believe that? Our souls know why they chose to be here at this time and that comes through to us by recognizing what brings us joy and what comes naturally. Challenges and obstacles will get in the way because everyone has free will and you can’t control what anyone else does.

The key to confidence is just to be you. Know that you were born with your own unique abilities. Those abilities are yours and yours alone. Only you can be an expert in your life. It cannot be compared or judged against anyone else’s life because they do not have the same ability!

You are a unique person; no other human has your ability. Each person’s abilities are needed and necessary for our world to thrive. So, why would you not have confidence in something that only you can do?

That is a pep talk I give myself often.

Check out this post The Key to Confidence in Your 50s for some confidence-building exercises.

What I discovered, is that I am already living the life I want. (Minus leaving Minnesota during the winter, but that will come:)

Living the life you truly want requires a deliberate and intentional approach. You must first identify what truly matters to you, eliminate anything that isn’t aligned with those values, know the end result you are looking for, and start taking baby steps. Realize you have everything you need and feel confident in creating your dream life.

After all, isn’t that why you are here?